The Terrible Project | Teen Ink

The Terrible Project

November 17, 2017
By moeperson. BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
moeperson. BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The time was 2:57. We were all sitting in the blue wheely chairs the school has. Looking at one thing only. The clock. It was right there, on the wall, nothing but time moving. “Tick, Tock, Tick,Tock.” I felt the sounds of the clock echoing in my head. I took a quick look at my phone. The time was 3:01. School is supposed to end at 2:58. But of course, the clock in the school is off by a few minutes. We just wanted to go home. Everyone, even the teacher was sitting there thinking about their weekend plans. I, of course, was getting the new game that just came out today. All those thoughts, racing in my head made me so excited that I didn’t even hear the bell finally ring.

The first person out of the room when the bell rang, was Peter Beverley. He always gets in trouble at school, and he was supposed to call his mom to tell her that he was throwing m&m's around the class. A few people actually ate some, considering it was right after Halloween. So that’s why he was out first. Then, the rest of the class burst out the doors like a pack of wolves running after someone. Some people dropped their homework as well. There was this one girl who forgot to zip up her binder, so all of her papers fell out. And I mean ALL of them. But she didn’t even notice. While we were all spilling out of the classroom, I felt the bodies of other people as we all ran out of the class. There was barely any room to breathe. Normally, I would be heading down the stairs to the bus loop, but since there was a new game coming out that day, my mom was picking me up. I already packed my backpack before 6th Hour, so I was good to go. I ran out of the school, thinking about all the fun times I was going to have that weekend, hopped into my mom’s car, and we drove off to Gamestop.
“Any homework this weekend, honey?” My mom asked. And just then, I remembered. In LME class, we have to take a plastic, robotic baby doll home for the weekend. We were supposed to pick them up after 6th Hour. At first, I felt a layer of dread, and then a layer of stress come over my body. My stomach started to hurt, also. That assignment was worth 115 points! I just couldn’t not do it, because then I would fail LME class. In a rush, I told my mom, “Oh my gosh, mom! I forgot my baby project! We need to drive back to school now!” “What!? You forgot your baby project?” My mom questioned, “How many points is it worth?” I knew she didn’t want to drive back to school. W .k/e were already halfway to Gamestop. “Uh, 115 points.” I muttered, very nervously. After I said that one little sentence, I knew my mom would not be happy with me. Long story short, we had to turn around and go back to school, in a lot of traffic too, and my mom lectured me all the way back to school.
By the time we got back, there were barely any cars in the parking lot. I felt the layers of dread and stress grow. Without even saying anything, I opened the car door, and booked it into the school. And coincidentally, Mrs. Carson, the LME teacher was walking out. I ran up to her, still very worried, and muttered “Uh, well . . . , I don’t know how to put this, but . . . , I forgot about the Baby project.” “Oh, it’s ok, Moe, everyone makes mistakes. Come, to my room and i’ll get your baby for you.” “Oh, ok. Thanks!” I replied. It felt a little weird. I don’t know, maybe it was because there was nobody left in the school, or maybe it was because I was with the teacher. Mrs. Carson took me into her room, and it was filled with plastic babies. There was a slide on the computer that had the instructions. I rushed to grab the diaper, bottle, and blanket for the baby. I asked a lot of questions, which I hope didn’t annoy Mrs. Carson. I’m a question asker. After I asked her what to do after gathering all the supplies, she told me to go into the room with all the babies. I noticed that one baby wasn’t plugged in, so that was weird. Mrs. Carson told me to sit down in a chair and wait while she grabs my baby. I heard a lot of noises in the room. It sounded like someone pushing a bunch of boxes off of a shelf. Mrs. Carson handed me the baby and sent me on my way.

So, as I was walking out of the school, the first thing I thought was that the baby was so heavy. Like, 8 pounds. As I felt the cold wind blowing across my face, I walked towards the car, but thanks to the baby, it took a million years. I opened the door, And a big wave of heat fell over me. It felt so good on my face. I walked into the car, and sat the baby down. Earlier, Mrs. Carson gave me a paper that I was supposed to fill out every time it cries. And just then, the baby started crying! That was very strange, considering the fact that the baby was supposed to turn on at 4:00. And it was only 3:30. “Wait, isn’t the baby supposed to turn on at 4?” My mom questioned. “I know, very weird.” I replied. Mrs. Carson also gave me a wristband to scan the baby every time it cried to let it know that I was there. So I scan it, and the second I do, the baby starts screaming! I pick my baby up to help it, and it screams even louder! “Weird, the baby is only supposed to scream like that if I fail to support the baby’s head!” I barked. “But, you are supporting it’s head.” My Mom muttered. I was about to reply, when all of the sudden, in mid cry, the baby just stopped. “Uhhhh…. Ok.” I spoke. After that annoying event, I filled out my log sheet. I wrote the date, then what the baby needed. I put down “Rock.” And then, I put the difficulty. I put easy, but I clearly didn’t know what I was getting into. At that time I set a goal. I was going to get through that dang baby project. Let’s just say it doesn’t get any better.
Nothing really interesting happened, (Besides the baby crying some more,) after I got home until about 6:00. That’s when my best friend, Fred came over. He’s pretty silly at times, but I don’t think he’ll kill the baby. When he came over, I had to tell him about the baby. He saw the baby, and kept referring to it as “Bebe.” I didn’t really mind, but something happened that i did mind once I went to the bathroom for a break. Fred told me the baby was crying. I was washing my hands at the time. I hurried up, and when I got to the baby, it wasn’t even crying. “Haha! I pranked you! Get rekt!” I personally thought that the prank was a little funny, but I was going to get him back one day. So then, Fred grabs his controller, so we could continue playing the new game that came out today. Fred’s controller, was coincidentally, right next to the baby. Fred grabbed his controller, and the baby made a happy, coo sound. “Huh, cool.” Fred Thought out loud. I didn’t really think much of it, until I grab my controller, which was right next to the baby also, and the baby starts screaming again! It continued screaming, getting louder and louder every minute until it started to shake the table! At this point, me and Fred were terrified. We thought the baby was some kind of demon, trying to posses our house. The table was shaking so much, It blurred my vision. I heard the baby scream, and it started to hurt my ears. I couldn’t even move. “I . . . w-wont . . . gi-give . . . up . . . “ I quietly murmured to myself. I looked up at the ceiling, and all of the sudden, the baby knocked itself of the table! I saw a blur of it coming, but it was too late to do anything. I just had to accept my fate. The baby landed a bullseye, right. On. My. Head.
Black. That was all I saw for a few seconds. Complete black. I couldn’t smell, or see anything. But I could hear. I heard the faintest voice. “Moe. Moe? MOE!” The voice got louder and louder, until I saw a small beam of light. It was shining on to some sort of wall. I saw bricks on the wall. A brick wall, it was. I remember wondering if I was inside or outside, high up or low down. I then saw The beam of light grow, and the faint voice grew louder and louder. It reminded me of a spotlight. Then all of the sudden, Fred appeared out of nowhere. He didn’t bother to say hi or anything. He was just there. He then fell down, face first. And started screaming. I was terrified. I tried to cover my ears, but I couldn’t. It was like I didn’t have any arms. My ears, they hurt. But the scream. The scream that Fred was making wasn’t a scream from Fred. It sounded exactly like the baby. When Fred started to get up, Which took a long time, I saw something. You know those times when you are so scared for 1 second, and you just feel that small jolt in your heart? That’s exactly what happened to me, when I saw my baby’s face on Fred. Just then, Fred’s body started to shrink. When I realize, Fred was the baby. I just, looked at the baby. For about 10 seconds until it finally muttered, “Hello, Moe.” I tried to scream, but I couldn’t. It was like when I couldn’t cover my ears. But this time, it was with my mouth. The baby started slowly getting out of its car seat, and started crawling towards me. I thought the baby was going to let me have it, but no. He grabbed a bowl of spaghetti, my favorite food, from seemingly nowhere, and shoved it up my mouth. And at that moment, for the first time in the dream, I smelled something. Spaghetti. And just then, everything around me turned white. And I woke up.

I woke up to the smell of Spaghetti. and I soon realized that I was in my bed. Fred left in a big hurry, understandably, and I realized, it was Monday morning. At first I was terrified because I was asleep for 3 days and I didn’t take care of the baby. I was about to get up, when “Moe, you’re awake!” My mom exclaimed, happily. “The baby hit you in the head, and you got a concussion. And you were in a coma for 3 days. But luckily, the baby didn’t cry while you were in a coma.” “A concussion?!” I barked. My mom continued clearing everything up, telling me that Fred left in a big hurry, understandably. And she also told me that right when the baby hit my head, It stopped crying. I thought that was very strange. I was about to say something about it, but I didn’t want to interrupt my mom. She kept telling me everything until I connected the dots. “Wait, 3 days? That means it’s Monday!” I nervously screamed.

After my mom cleared everything up, I was so terrified. I thought the baby died. I didn’t know what I did for the baby to die. So when I finally got up and went to school that day, and returned the baby, I knew Mrs. Carson was going to talk with me about it. And surprisingly, she didn’t. I felt a HUGE layer of relief at that second I walked out of the classroom. Until the end of the day, when I heard this announcement on the PA right before the bell rang “Moe Carter, please report to Mrs. Carson’s room.” That layer of dread and stress came over me again, but in an even more intense level. I VERY nervously packed up my stuff, and walked over to Mrs. Carson’s room. I walked in, expecting her to say that I got a 0 on the assignment, but instead, she told me “Moe, your baby had a malfunction.” Nervously, I replied “What do you mean?” “Well, you know those sounds you heard when I was getting the baby?” Mrs. Carson spoke. “Wait, you didn’t make those sounds?” I questioned. “No, it was Matthew Ryan, the 12th Grader that used to be in my class long ago, but failed his baby project. He claimed it was my fault. But it wasn’t. So every year, he takes a random baby, and unpluggs it, making it malfunction.” Mrs. Carson replied. “So, do I get an A?” I asked, very nervously,” “Well, I saw your report. Although the baby was malfunctioned and was very hard to take care of, you pushed through it. I’m proud of you.” I felt very happy that night. I looked up at the stars, thinking, “I did it.”

The author's comments:

Moe Carter has forgotten about the baby project! A very important project. But when he gets the baby, he realizes that something is wrong with it! This story is pretty juicy!!

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