The Hard Journey | Teen Ink

The Hard Journey

November 17, 2017
By LDH10 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
LDH10 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


My teammate Gareth passed me the ball and I went passed one and another I got into the box and got tackled.The ref called it and I was ready to take it and then he blew the whistle. I started going to the ball and I kicked it and I hit the crossbar and the goalie caught it after. Then, I looked at my parents and my dad was yelling at my mom then, he started walking away with his head down.I don’t know why he left but it must be for a good reason. I’m sorry I never introduced myself I am Alex Hunter and I want to become a professional soccer player and play for Real Madrid I hope I can make it but I am not really that good.

Ten years later,My dad never came back . . . . But now Gareth and I are trying to be a professional soccer player.I think we are gonna make it but I don’t know what team.I hope I get to play with Gareth if we make it.The try outs came and I did pretty good than the scrimmage came and I scored and and got an assist to my boy Gareth.I also got in a fight with this one guy named Zack,but we just argued not a fist fight.

The Next try out came and I did better than the day before.The scouts were asking me question like what’s my name and what about me.Gareth was not getting much attention as I was but there were some scouts but not as much as me.I felt bad so I told him to come over so they could interview both of us.I told them this is my bestfriend and he is really good at soccer but he just needs his chance to show you.The next day I went back to the tryouts to see if anyone want to be their client.The same scout wanted me and gareth so we could be a deadly team together.So we both joined him and we were already getting offers from teams.

Me and Gareth got many offers but not for the same team and we had to make a decision.I picked to play with Arsenal and he picked to play for Tottenham. We look at each other weird because those teams are rivals . . . .I guess we are gonna versus a lot exclaimed Gareth.Yea your right Gareth we gonna have rivalry with each other. We are both strikers and we score a lot let’s see who gets more goals Gareth.”Yeah of course I will get more said, Gareth”.
Ok don’t get to of ahead of yourself Gareth.The next week,Both of us we went to our teams and did our first practice.After that, Gareth and I haven’t really talked that much no more.Because,we are so far away from each other and because he has his own career too.I wished we could talk more but it’s fine I guess.
The first game is this Sunday vs Everton and I think I am starting on the bench.I hope I get to play and do good.It is Sunday now and I am getting ready and warmed up for the game.Im so nervous I looked around and there were so many people looking at me and I could hear them screaming.The manager comes over to me and says “Alex you are gonna start at striker today.”


Really sir thank you I won’t let you down.The manager said,”don’t let me down I believe in you and if you are not doing so good I will take you out in the second half.”

“So no pressure Alex you will do fine,” whispered Wenger.

I got on the field and I was shaking about how nervous I am and excited.The ref blew the whistle and I passed it back to Ozil and he played it back to me.Then,I passed it to Sanchez and he whipped it into the box and I header into the top right corner and it hit the crossbar and it came back to me and I scored bottom left.When I scored I was so happy I went to the corner flag and slid right in it.My team followed me and we all slid into the corner and celebrated.It was My first professional soccer game and I scored I can’ believe it.30 minutes later I got a pass from Ozil and I passed back to him and he scored.I have been playing like I am Ronaldo I’m been doing very good for my first game.The game ended with a score of 2-0 and I was the player of the game.They asked me How was the game and how do you like the team.I said It was an amazing game and I love the team we are just all around good.Everyone on the team said you did good out there and good game.

Three months later We won the Premier league and now we're in the Wembley cup finals vs Tottenham.The game is tomorrow and I was ready to vs Gareth and beat him again.Today is the day we vs Tottenham we already vs them four times and we won and loss twice so this is the tie breaker.The game started and I started on the bench.we score early in the game.They score at the end of the first half the score at halftime was 1-1.The second half started and I went in at striker and I got a chance to score in the first couple minutes and I missed.The other team score little after when I missed now there in the lead.Later,we scored right off kickoff and I got the assist.There is ten minutes left and it’s tied 2-2.I took the ball and passed it to Bellerin and he passed it up to Ozil and he played the ball to Walcott.He saw Sanchez and I in the box he crossed it in the box and I did a bicycle kick and I had no idea where it went.I landed on the floor and watching it go near the goal then . . . I scored top left corner and I was so happy I ran all the way to my team and the bench.I looked up and I was watching the replay and the goalie tipped it and it still got in.The final whistle was blown and I won us the game with a fantastic goal.I talked with Gareth after the game and we switched jersey out of respect and said great game old friend.I celebrated the win with my team and my friends.That was a great way to end the season with a cup win and a league win for my first year.

The new season is about to start and I am getting request  by almost every team and one really stood out to me the was Real Madrid.I would love to play with Real Madrid and play with the best in the world Ronaldo.I said yes before I got any more request.The first day I went to sign the contract I saw Gareth signing his contract for Real Madrid too.I was really surprised that we both got to with the best team in the world and together.I was glad to be closer to Gareth and get to play with again.”Hey Alex good to see you again,”yelled Gareth. I signed a four year contract with Real Madrid and I was really happy with deal.The season started and Gareth and I started with the best players on Real Madrid.It was my dream to play for Real Madrid and it came to life.The game we won 4-0 I scored and got one assist,Gareth scored one and Ronaldo scored two goals.I am really glad that I got live my dream and got to play with my best friend,looks like everything will go up from this.


The author's comments:

My favorite player Cristaino Ronaldo and I just wanted a player to become a great player with struggles like every great soccer play did.Alex became a great soccer player with struggles like his father leaving as a kid because was not good enough player.

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