December 8, 2017
By Anonymous

People of new generation believe in science and facts. Usually the superstitious things like ghost and spirits are ignored by our generation. But do these still exist?

On a dark rainy night ,subhash ,a twelve year old boy, was alone at home. His parents were out for a movie. Subhash was comfortably sitting on his sofa ,busy in completing his homework. He was also like other kids of his age believed in facts, the tyrannous weather outside could not move his concentration from his work.

But unaware of the fact that the tyrannous wind and heavy rain outside were pointing towards its presence on the house .

And suddenly,the door bell rang. Subhash saw nothing but a light like sun shining dimly . It was enough to grab attention of just the person it wanted to.

Thinking the dim light to be that of a torch asked Subhash politely"Yes, may I know who is at the door?"in the darkness outside.

"Hii little boy, I am like your friend. Please open the door and let me in" said a sweet voice but quite ghostly,from outside.

Subhash opened the door quickly as he hear the voice but the expression on his face was just equal to blank as if hipnotized. He let that ghostly spirit in. It went straight to the dining table . "May I have something to eat?"was the extremely wierd question asked by the spirit.

"Sure"was the only reply that could be heard from subhash but in a pale and prolonged voice similar to that of a Zombie.

That dim spirit took a bag and started collecting all the items in the bag and Subhash stood there still as blank as he has been since the spirit entered the house.

"You were a really sweet boy. Thank you for all this(showing the bag filled with food). And Good bye." Said the spirit in its horrible voice. " Good bye " said Subhash to the light.

As he shut the door behind him, it was as if he was back in his senses and that paleness have now gone and the shine of a chap can be seen in his eyes again , even brighter . But with a confusion, about how all that happened. The night outside is all clear now, the moon shining bright above the house with a background of thousands of twinkling stars . It was as beautiful never before . But how did this happen?

Was this true or just an imagination? Was it a dream or was he truly hipnotized by the spirit? Does the science and facts have covered the things which still exist in the nature but are silent , which can't be seen but could only be felt?

The author's comments:

From the starting of the journey till your life ends, just keep loving your work and surely it will be loved by the people around you........

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