Gone But Not Forgotten | Teen Ink

Gone But Not Forgotten

January 8, 2018
By jatayakmeyer BRONZE, Newton, Iowa
jatayakmeyer BRONZE, Newton, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is very heart touching. 

Chapter 1: Gone but not forgotten

Gone But Not Forgotten
Matthew Robert Lageveen. Hands pale, the color of the bottom of my daily morning mug. His eyes closed peacefully, reminding me of how he spoke to me. The bruise on his forehead gave a plum glisten, making me feel as if it was telling me that his soul was still alive. People surrounding dressed dark, and their tears shiny. The close loved ones spoke to all with a loose crackle in their voice, yet filled with never ending tenderness with each breath spoke. The casket gave me a feeling of security, almost like he was never leaving our hearts. The flowers gave off a sense of smell that gave me hope, not to worry; but to find happiness in every day knowing that he has eternal life.

The author's comments:

It is very close to me. 


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