Monsters of Tomorrow | Teen Ink

Monsters of Tomorrow

March 7, 2018
By N611ek BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
N611ek BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You can smell the old grimy mountain men that overtake the mountain’s smell. On the silky jagged gleaming mountain. The smell is so great and potent, you can taste the breath of the mountain men. *Chop smack* the creaking and smack, the sound of timber falling and being turned into janky log homes by the adventurous mountain men. They work all night and day, losing feeling in there nose and ears from Jack Frost biting away at their nerves. But they are use to the frostbite, it no longer hurts anymore. Although the work is hard and cold, they still were more at peace with themselves and their family than ever before, no more fighting no more crying they are at peace finally.”

“Ehh good enough” I said to myself while putting down the pencil in my hand. “This creative writing course is killing my hand, my brain and most of all my patience. I can’t stand it anymore. I jump out of my seat throw my head into the musky classroom air above me.”


“Mr. Hickam sit down right this instant!” Mrs. Meadows screamed, but I pretended  not hear.

“Don’t you think this is a complete waste of our time? If you have to be taught how to creatively express yourself by now in your senior year of high school then there’s no hope for you?!”

“Hickam go to the principal office right now!” She said swollen with anger.

I thought to myself if she screams any louder she might turn to dust, old hag. Deadpan, I look Mrs. Meadow’s right in her old pasty eyes and shrug my shoulders.

As I walk out the door with my head held high into the empty poorly lit halls I hear her yell at me for one last time,  “Have you no shame or respect?”

To be honest I didn’t have any shame in what I said, it’s not like anybody actually cares about me or her class.

I reached the principal’s office after the long walk I can see his tall handsome figure through the glass. Before I can bring up my hand to knock his deep voice rumbles through the door “William, come on in”

“Hey, Mr. Twix”

“ Sit down will, what’s going on? Why are you acting out? Did something happen at home?”

I’m not sure what to say to him, I want to tell him but I don’t want to get my family in trouble or the people at school.

“What do you mean I’m acting out? This is outrageous!”

We will see if he buys that line.

“Do you think I was born yesterday? What is going on?”

“it’s just I keep getting bullied by a couple.. Well the whole school actually they make fun of me for what I wear, for being smart and me just being me.”

“So let me get this straight William, you want to be a complete…. For the lack of the of a better word an Ass hat to make up for being bullied?”

“I guess so.”

I say with my head dripping down on the floor.

“If that is your plan, then I can’t have you in this school i'm going to expel you.”

I don’t dare move my head to look up from my spot on the floor. If I looked up and he saw the tears in my eye it would destroy my tough guy act.


“Okay, I don’t need your stupid school anyhow”

“Were going to send you to a secondary school where maybe you can use your academic skills and not be bullied.”

--------------------------------------Four Months Later--------------------------------------------------------

“NO please stop!!”

What a little wiener screaming because I smashed his head into a locker

“Come on I barely pushed you into that locker you’re a little wimp. Oh see your skin is even a wimp little girl bleeding all over the locker.”

“Mr. Hickam in my office now!!”

I looked at the old hag of a principle

“Sure anything for you wicked witch of the west”

I giggle to myself being proud of that joke. I walk in her office it smells of rusting tampons.

“Hi Mrs. Dickson how may I assist you today? Do u need help with your flying monkeys?”

“Sit down Hickham”

I sat down and felt the dust come out of the chair and surround me, it was clear no one had been in trouble for centuries at this new school.

“We are going to kick you out of the school, we aren’t sure what happened to you. You got moved here because you were getting bullied and were really smart we even gave you a full ride to this school. Do you understand how much that is a year? 30,000 a year to be in this high school and it was all free because we believed you would be worth every penny and do something great but it is clear to us now that someone has created a monster out of you. Do you remember Jackson?”

I being to laugh hysterically.

“Oh yea haha what happened to him I haven’t seen him all day?”

“HICKHAM! This is not a laughing matter he has passed away this morning due to self-infliction and we can only point to the reason to you. He had a supportive family he had great grades was liked by everybody in the school besides you. Do You have anything to say about that?”

“What? Im to be blame?”

I can’t believe it what are they saying I have his blood on my hands what I didn’t do it he was the one who made that choice. But I was what lead him there. I don’t know anything but being mean I can't help it. I have become a monster I was just mad because I was getting bullied. Omg who am I.

Be careful of the monsters you create tomorrow

The author's comments:

Just wanted to put something out there that made you think. Regarless of the quality.

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