The surprise Box | Teen Ink

The surprise Box

May 13, 2018
By Anonymous

“Alright class you may go home now.” said Cory’s teacher. She walked down the hall and met up with her friend Jane who she carpools with. They are complete opposites. Cory has brown hair, is short, and is very curious. Jane is tall, has blonde hair, and is not very serious. They got in the car and went back to Cory’s house. When they pulled up, there was a package on the front porch. “I wonder who it is for,” said Cory. She was very interested to know since no one in the house had ordered anything. She looked on the box to see who had sent it but there was no name. She took the box inside, and Jane and she opened it up. There was a note in the box. The note said, “Be happy”. Jane looked at Cory and asked, “Do you know what ‘be happy’ means?” “No,” she answered. When they looked in the box there was a picture of Cory smiling. At this she was very confused. It might a secret admirer or an early birthday gift. The next morning at school, Jane asked if there were any more boxes or clues to what “be happy” meant. “Not since yesterday,” answered Cory. They both went on with their day as normal and did not mention the box to any of their friends. Once again the girls met up in the hall after school. They went back to Cory’s house where there was another box with no name. They opened the box. There was another note but this one read “Celebrate.” Inside the box was a ribbon tied up in a bow. “This is so annoying not knowing who is sending these,” said Jane. “Sorry I am only a mediocre detective.” She still had no idea why she was getting these boxes or who they were coming from. That night Jane slept over since it was Friday. They decided to wait until tomorrow to evaluate the second box and its meaning. The girls put both of the boxes in the hall closet so Cory’s  mom wouldn’t find them. That night after dinner her mom went to get cleaning supplies out the closet and saw the boxes. She looked in them and saw the notes and picture. She took them and put them in her room. The next morning the girls wet back to the closet to get the boxes. Then she came in and gave them to the girls. She asked what they meant. The girls told her they did not figure that out yet. She offered to help the girls figure out who was bringing the boxes but they wanted to figure it out on their own. During this conversation the girls discovered a new solution to the dilemma. They would stay outside all day and see who comes to bring the boxes. They could not both stay out there all day and they had an altercation about who should be the one to go out there first. During their shifts outside the girls got very irate and terminated the plan. As soon as both the girls went inside another box came. Everyone was surprised by the secret person’s timing. They ran outside and saw the person for a half second before they ran off. Inside the last box was a note that said, “Happy Birthday Cory. As your present go to the Hayfield building.” Cory and Jane rushed over to the Hayfield building. Her mom admonished them to be careful. As soon as they got there a bunch of people jumped up and said “Surprise!” Jane looked at Cory and said “This whole time I had been sending the boxes. Each note was supposed to spell out Happy Birthday. I hope you liked your gift!” Cory and Jane had fun at Cory’s surprise birthday that night. Later that year the two girls went on to college and were even roommates!

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