Popsicles | Teen Ink


June 8, 2018
By epsargent BRONZE, East Kingston, New Hampshire
epsargent BRONZE, East Kingston, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
sometimes you get the best light from burning bridges.

     Bethany dropped her bag on the floor when she saw what I was typing into my laptop. “Winter, what the-”

     “Don’t ask,” I ordered, shutting my laptop slightly. “It’s not important.”

     “It’s not important?” She retorted, storming over to my bed and sitting down next to me. “You’re on Wikihow reading about how to break a couple up.”

     Her words vibrated in my ears, causing a guilty feeling to clog up in my chest. “It’s for a story,” I eventually grumbled.

     Bethany took a deep breath and picked an imaginary piece of lint off of my bedspread. “Sure. It certainly has nothing to do with the fact that it is Angela and Graydon’s one month anniversary?”

     I glanced down at my cell phone, which was opened up to an Instagram picture of the couple. “Maybe a little.”

    “I thought you hated Graydon,” She told me. “Especially after he asked Charlotte out while you two were dating.”

     “I know,” I agreed, resting my face in my palms. “But-”

     “No,” Bethany quickly argued. “Stop your sentence there.”

     “I barely spoke to him, which is why he drifted off to Charlotte in the first place.” I informed her as I leaned up from my crouched position. “Technically I ruined our relationship.”

     “Can you hear yourself right now?” Bethany asked, her green eyes bugging in disbelief. “Graydon attempted to cheat on you. Thank God Charlotte told you when she did so you could dump him. You do not deserve him and he doesn’t deserve you.”

     “But I still like him!” I cried.

     “So does Angela,” Bethany said. “And Graydon wants her.”

     “But if I can break them up, then I can also slowly draw him back to me,” I tilted my head up into the air, a successful feeling overwhelming me. “And we can try again!”

     Bethany stared at me. “Good God. Winter...”

     I blinked once and snapped my head towards her. “What?”

     “Winter, they’ve been stuck together like one of those double popsicles ever since they started dating. Do you really think you can melt that in any sort of way?”

     “Funny. Isn’t that what everyone said about Cherry and Graydon? You know, before Angela told him that she has a crush him? You know, before he dumped Cherry?”

     Bethany swallowed hard. “Fair.”

     “So don’t you think it’s worth the try?”

     “What are you on?” Bethany shrieked in horror. “No, it is not ‘worth the try’.’ Angela is just being oblivious to Graydon The Player. Just like Cherry was. Why can’t you let her be? Why can’t you let her open up her eyes to his moronic schemes on her own? And once they’re broken up, then you can swoop down on a vine like Dora The Explorer and try to get him back.”

     “Because I have a feeling this one is going to last a long time,” I nervously explained, standing up and pacing around the room.

     She slammed the back of her head into the wall, making the room shake. “I still don’t understand why you want him.”

     “Because he’s sweet and-”

     “Nice. Loyal? Darling,” Bethany mimicked as she stood up. “He is none of those. And you know this.”

     I sighed, shutting my laptop completely. “You’re right, okay? I’ll let it go.”

     “That’s a good lie,” She snapped back sarcastically. “Like hell you’ll let it go.”

     "What am I supposed to do then?” I cried. “Sit on my ass?”

     “Yes,” Bethany shut my laptop completely and and tucked it into her bag. “Just like when you and Graydon were dating, you’re going to sit on your ass and do nothing.”

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote for a Creative Writing Project. It's about a conversation a friend and I had about and ex boyfriend of her's.

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