Realistic fiction stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Realistic Fiction

Top voted Realistic Fiction

#8161voted by our readers
Allen, Texas

She Sabotaged My Suicide Attempt I smiled wryly as I took a deep breath of fresh air. My breathing was surprisingly even, considering why I stood here. It was a cold winter day- i...
PK4evr ELITE, Allen, Texas
105 articles 5 photos 107 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, then watch everyone wonder how you did it!

#8162 Fiction
By lakekid33 SILVER
Hartville, Ohio
lakekid33 SILVER, Hartville, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments
#8163 Fiction
By RealPam1992 GOLD
Alexandria, Virginia
RealPam1992 GOLD, Alexandria, Virginia
10 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
What you'll be in the future isn't limited to what you are now.

#8164 Fiction
By chloeyofan00 BRONZE
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
chloeyofan00 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#8165 Fiction
By kayjaide582 BRONZE
Casa Grande, Arizona
kayjaide582 BRONZE, Casa Grande, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
De la mort et de l'amour obscurité était né.

#8166 Fiction
By ClaireM. ELITE
Albany, New York
ClaireM. ELITE, Albany, New York
109 articles 14 photos 33 comments
#8167 Fiction
Afroboriqua BRONZE, LaGrange, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
All the stars in the sky can make the world beautiful for a split second, beauty only remains in the purest forms.

#8168 Fiction
By agnesmok99 BRONZE
Temple City, California
agnesmok99 BRONZE, Temple City, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step -Confucius

#8169 Fiction
By FunFace GOLD
Washington, District Of Columbia
FunFace GOLD, Washington, District Of Columbia
11 articles 0 photos 63 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Z is for zed which is for fred which is for harry potter which is for couldron, DUH" -My friend and I

#8170 Fiction
By Anonymous