Remember | Teen Ink


September 30, 2019
By LemonAMax BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
LemonAMax BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm like a flower, beautiful, graceful and bright. Yet when to much bad weather i get sick and die"
"Fragile like a flower, yet, poisonous like a snake"

My memories never lasted with you. Those times we laughed at old television shows that relapsed continuously. Didn't those days feel good? The way you curled your hair and pushed it back as if you were Elvis Presley, only to tap your big toes to the beat of 'Can't help falling in love with you'. Didn't you care for when your dog died and i was there rubbing your back in comfort? Telling you that i was there and would stay as long as you needed me to. That day when you confessed and told me you fell in love with my smile, my presence even the way i smelled like freshly baked bread. I was speechless and i stood my ground, nodding to what you said as you continued to describe the love of my flaws and admiration of my actions. I couldn't face you to say i felt the same. That my stomach clenched onto your braveness and curiosity of your works. Don't you remember? Or do you want to forget i existed? After all those moments, time and space we used to create beauty that only we can see? It was as if we created a pack. A pack sworn not to part. Only to deny to rules and go our own ways. I hope that we can meet again. That you would remember who i was. That i at least cross your mind once. That i could finally relieve myself by saying. I Love You.

The author's comments:

and i oooooppppp

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