A Surprising Love | Teen Ink

A Surprising Love

October 3, 2019
By Swilki182 BRONZE, Burkburnett, Texas
Swilki182 BRONZE, Burkburnett, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s 10:00pm. Hishu and her two friends, Sasha and Minako, have just come back from another boring day as a mercenary. They all hold a blank expression on their face as they enter their home, an abandoned lab. Their expressions don’t change as they put up their guns and change into normal clothes. As they sit down to watch t.v., Minako looks over to Sasha and she says in a monotone voice, “Dude, I'm so bored.” to which Sasha replies, “Who isn’t?” the room falls silent. Hishu begins to put on her calf-high black boots and sighs, “I don't know about you,” she stands up “but I’m going somewhere that can make me feel like I'm not dead” Sasha looks at her and asks, “And what place might that be?” Hishu smirks and insisted, “Come with me if you want to find out.” Sasha stood up and said “Okay, sure!” and went to her room to get dressed in better clothes. Minako looked over at Hishu and said “You know this is how questionable things happen, right?” Hishu chuckled and said, “Oh, I know, but that’s what will make this fun!” Minako laughed a little, stood up and said, “Well now I'm interested, let’s go!”

15 minutes later they all get into Hishu’s car and drive off onto a long back road with no streetlights. Hishu says to Sasha, who is sitting in the passenger seat, “Hey, could you open the glovebox and hand me the green box in it?” to which Sasha replies with “Yeah, sure.” and opens the glove box and hands her the metallic green box. Hishu steers with one arm as she opens the box and asks her friends “Tequila or vodka?” Minako’s eyes light up and she says “Hell yeah! Vodka please.” and Hishu hands her 3 medium sized flasks containing vodka, she asks Sasha for her choice and she wants tequila, so she gives it to her. Everyone drinks their drink except for Hishu, 10 minutes later sasha giggles, slaps Hishu’s thigh, rubs it, and says “Hey, is your car supposed to sound like that?”, to which hishu scoffs jokingly and mutters, “Lightweight,” “There is nothing wrong with my ca-”, but before she can finish her sentence, her engine begins to sputter, which is followed by groans from her and her friends. Her speed gets slower, so Hishu pulls over to the side of the road. Everyone gets out except for minako. Hishu calls her name and Minako’s door opens followed by Minako stumbling out of the car and multiple empty flasks fall onto the ground. Hishu thinks to herself “She probably found the stash.”, and asks Minako, “How much did you drink?” Minako does a small burp and proudly replies, “All of it.”  Hishu facepalms and mumbles “Oh god, of course you would.” She takes out her phone to call someone to pick them up, but Sasha states “It’s no use, there's no service out here.” Hishu puts up her phone and looks around for any cars; there isn’t any, but out in the distance she sees 2 bright lights and a building. “Hey guys, let's go there and see if they can help.”, she suggests to her friends as she points to the lights. Her friends agree and walk with her to the building, Minako keeps on tripping on the way there, so Hishu offers minako a piggy-back ride. Due to Minako’s bustyness, Hishu has to stand in a weird position while she walks so her head doesn’t get engulfed in Minako’s cleavage. Hishu thinks to herself “Looks like those trips to the gym are finally paying off!”, for she isn’t even struggling with the weight of Minako. As they are walking, Sasha asks Hishu “So, where were we going to go?” Hishu replied with “A karaoke bar, it seemed like fun.” Sasha laughs and says “Yeah, it probably would’ve been.”

They continue walking and chit-chatting for awhile until they got there. Hishu smiles and says “What are the odds, it’s a karaoke bar!” The building in front of them resembles a 3-story hotel that might have once been famous, but now it is a shadow of what it once was, and in its place stands a sad-looking karaoke bar. They enter the building, to their left are about four new pool tables, along with some older arcade machines. To the left there are two nice, clean tables and a bar with a friendly-looking bartender looking to be in his mid-sixties with many bottled drinks on the wall behind him. Hishu puts Minako down, the bartender looks at them and says “How are you fine young ladies doing?” Hishu replies with “we’re doing good, thank you, but I do have a question” the bartender says, “Shoot.” so Hishu asks him “Are there any rooms that we can stay in? If so, how much for a night?” He answers her with “Well yes, there are, but they’re only two people to a room and it is $50 per night.” Hishu only had $85 on her. Hishu asked Sasha if she could borrow $15 and she agreed. Hishu hands the bartender $100 and says “Two rooms please. It’s just for tonight.” The bartender took the money, handed Hishu two keys with their room numbers on them and said, “Thank you, have a nice stay!” to which Hishu replied “Thanks, we will.”

Hishu, Minako, and Sasha head up to the second floor they draw straws for whoever sleeps in the second room by themselves, and it turns out that Hishu and Minako will be sharing a room, and Sasha will be in the room to the right of theirs. They bid each other goodnight and go into their rooms. As Hishu and Minako enter the room, they are slightly amazed about how nice and updated their room is. Hishu sits on the bed and Minako tells her, “Be right back Ima use the restroom.” “Okay.” Hishu replies as she opens her purse and opens a medium-sized bottle of jager. Hishu drinks the whole bottle and throws it away. Minako comes out of the bathroom looking slightly pale. Hishu asks her “Are you feeling okay?” to which Minako replied: “Um, I think I might've had too much to drink.” “Oh, okay.” Hishu states. They both sit down at the foot of the bed, they watch t.v., drink, and play games for a couple of hours. Hishu looks at her phone and it is 2:00am, she says with slightly slurred speech, “well, it’s getting really late, it’s probably about time I go to bed.” “Agreed.” Minako replies. Hishu reaches into her purse and pulls out a pair of periwinkle blue, mid-thigh length pajama shorts and a periwinkle blue, short sleeved pajama crop top. Minako, however, is just wearing her underwear. Hishu is just about  to turn off the t.v. when minako walks up in front of her pushes Hishu face-up onto the bed, Minako then gets on top of her and grabs Hishu’s wrists to the bed playfully. “Today was pretty fun, wasn't it Hishu?” Hishu struggles to find words, “uh-um, y-yeah, really fun.” Minako presses her body onto Hishu’s, gets her face close to Hishu’s, and whispers “Then how about we have even more fun, hm?” A smirk forms across Hishu’s face “I don't see a problem with that.” she replies. Minako giggles and says, “Alright then.” They both close their eyes and kiss passionately, Hishu wraps her arms around Minako’s body and squeezes so her body squishes harder against her own, Minako uses an increasing amount of tongue while they are kissing. They roll off the bed onto the floor and continue kissing, making slight moaning noises, and rubbing their hands on each other's backs, sides, and backsides. Minako stops kissing Hishu and looks at the door. A look of horror embodies itself on her face. Hishu looks at the door and starts blushing immensely. In the doorway watching all of this unfold is Sasha, she had come in to give them some food she just bought, but it seems that Hishu and Minako weren't hungry for food. Sasha is also blushing and says “Well, I-I should go and let you two have fun.” and shuts the door. An awkward silence fills the room. Minako gets up off of Hishu and sighs “Well that kinda killed the mood.” “Kinda?” Hishu replies. They both go to sleep. 

The next day Hishu wakes up to Sasha shaking her and telling her to wake up Hishu looks around and notices that they are back home, Hishu says, “Sasha, why are we here? How are we here?” Sasha begins to explain what happened, “Well, you and minako were passed out drunk, Minako is still passed out as we speak, and it was 10 in the morning. You and Minako wouldn't wake up, so I had to drag you both out of the hotel, into the car, fix the car, and drive us home.” Hishu now understood the situation clearly. Minako was starting to wake up. Hishu then went up to her and slaps and grabs Minako’s rear. “I’m pretty sure we never finished.” She says seductively. Hishu giggles slightly, kisses Minako’s cheek and walks over to her room. A lewd expression spreads across Minako’s face as she gets up and goes after Hishu. Sasha watches Hishu’s bedroom door close and she hears giggling, Hishu saying ‘Woo!’, some quiet thuds, followed by hard rock music. Sasha facepalms and mutters, “Oh god, I hope this doesn't become repetitive, I need sleep too you know?”

The author's comments:

Just keep in mind that I was running on 2 hours of sleep when i made this.

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