Fan Fiction - Love on a Thread | Teen Ink

Fan Fiction - Love on a Thread

November 19, 2019
By Gisselle17 BRONZE, San Jose, California
Gisselle17 BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day, Wilson certain that his wife Myrtle was seeing someone. Then, after he saw her chasing a man who was driving a car but accidentally ran over her. Wilson was shocked by the tragedy of his wife's death and for being unfaithful. He went to talk to Tom since he saw him before in that car. Tom told him that the car is owned by Gatsby and that he was the one driving. After Wilson talked to Tom, he went to Gatsby's house and found him lying in the pool looking up at the sky. Then he shoots Gastby without hesitation, but at that moment Gatsby saw that a green light was blinking as if it were a signal, then Wilson commits suicide. Nick appeared and found Gatsby still breathing but with a low pulse. Nick started to speak with him to keep him awake.
"Fight for your life until the last second my friend," whispered Nick
Gatsby would have been dead but his love for Daisy miraculously made him hold on to life. While Nick was pressing down with a cloth on his wound, Gatsby started hallucinating. Apparently he thought that Nick was Daisy and began remembering the day he met a beautiful woman with bright eyes, had an aroma of a charm and an educated voice walking down the stairs.
¨I knew you would come, do you remember when we met I knew you were the love of my life I'm sorry for lying to you please forgive me, ̈ begged Gatsby.
̈ ̈ It's okay Gatsby try not to speak the ambulance is almost here, ̈ cried Nick
The ambulance arrived and rushed him to the nearest hospital where he was put in critical condition but was expected to survive since the bullet missed his major heart artery that could have killed him. By the time that Gatsby was taken to the hospital Nick felt the responsibility to notify Daisy otherwise not doing so he would feel guilty.
̈ ̈ Rush to the hospital the one close to your house because Gatsby is in critical condition and is asking for you,̈ alerted Nick
̈ ̈what happened why is he in the hospital ?̈ panicked Daisy
¨he has been wounded by a gunshot ̈ alerted Nick
Sudden silence, Daisy hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital.
Time passed, Daisy finally was able to see Gatsby. When she arrived, he was sleeping and she sat by his side admiring him in tears like a waterfall falls into a river. Daisy hugs him and starts pouring her guilt for letting him go and marrying Tom. Then, she confesses that she has been miserable with Tom because the love of her life was, is and will always be him.
"I will never leave your side again," Daisy promised.
¨ You promise Daisy ?̈̈ Gatsby asked.
While she stared intensely at his eyes like the stars light up the night sky, Gatsby caresses her hair to one side then after Gatsby kissed her. A week passes, as Gatsby exists the hospital, he finds Daisy waiting for him with her car packed with luggage. She runs towards him to give him a hug, then Gatsby picked her up and twirled her around. They tell each other I love you and she ends by saying together till the end. They both get in the car off to the airport with one way tickets to Paris.

The author's comments:

Summary :
I am rewriting the ending of the book ¨The Great Gatsby ̈ because Daisy and Gatsby love each other and it wasn't fair how in the ending of the original story they didn't end up together. Also, their love was love at first sight and I thought they deserved a happy ending together and leave everything behind. Tom didn't treat her like Gatsby did while they were together and Tom cheated on her with Myrtle. I wanted to add a little romance and fantasy into the story.

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