Identify Your | Teen Ink

Identify Your

December 14, 2019
By Tingyi BRONZE, Salem, Massachusetts
Tingyi BRONZE, Salem, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                         Identify Your “Be Loved” Moments

  If I ask you: “What will you remember as the most ‘be loved’ moment of 2019?”

  When I threw this question to a friend who had just fallen in love, I received a gratifying answer. My friend said to me joyfully that she had accidentally touched the knee of the guy who had dubious relationship with her while playing cards.

  To hide her nervousness, she said, "are you short of space?"Then, she prepared to immediately bounce to a distance of one meter.

  "And he took advantage of the opportunity to take my hand," she said coyly “what ah, holding hands under the table, the things like movie plot.”

  She identify the time her heart is firmly answered as her “be loved” moment.

  But for the friend who is used to living on her own, she was being loved.

  I think, perhaps because of becoming more mature, our understanding of "be loved", has already been not quite the same.

  Instead of the simple "give me the money to spend" or the old-fashioned "it's all for me", there are other answers in our minds.

  Now, what is the answer for our young people?

  Neo's school is very close to my school. It's in the next building.

  Once in a while, he saw me at a bus stop waiting for the bus home, so the next day he floated the idea of giving me a lift home.

  I could have walked about 800 meters to the nearest bus stop at school and squeezed the bus home.

  But I decided to take his motorcycle helmet, and exclaimed secretly the design of motorcycle seat is really ambiguous.

  When the motorcycle is going too fast, the person in the backseat has to rest his body against the rider's body for safety. The sensitive parts of his legs, chest and knees inevitably hug the person in front of him.

  When I sat on the back of his motorcycle for the first time, I kept a deliberate distance of 2 cm from him, trying to avoid body contact so as not to let him misunderstand.

  But as if on purpose, he drove so fast that he stopped suddenly at the traffic light.

  The brake, like a Cupid, gave me a hard push behind me, and I was caught off guard and hit him in the back.

  In the rear view mirror, I saw the corners of his lip up. His trick was caught in the rear view mirror.

  The intentional body contact accident made him look like a little boy.

  But I was struck by his cunning.

  Every time I think of the story of body contact, it reminds me of the example my chemistry teacher gave me in junior high school.

  "The molecules that make up our skin, they can't touch other people's molecules. We seem to be holding hands, but on a micro level, we are not really holding hands.Because molecules are impossible to touch, they repel each other. But under certain conditions, they can also interact and combine to form a new substance."teacher said.

  I had the romantic characteristics of liberal arts students. In the afternoon the sound of cicadas disturbed my mind, and I put the teacher's words forcibly to remember in my heart.

  After a rebellious youth, I was very resistant to any body contact with other people and hated the temperature of strangers in the subway.

  But this time, I found body contact to be fun.

  It is precious to find that someone is willing to spend much thoughts to create touches in your life to close the distance with you. I identify it is my “be loved” moment.

The author's comments:

Dear editors,

  As a website who gives teenagers chances to submit their writings, I want to share a story about teenagers's pure affections but not limited to this. As we grow up our ability of studying, working and managing emotions are all becoming more mature. However the most important ability of feeling, recognizing and identifying the tiny touches in daily chores are declining. I am interested in recording the affecting moments by using my pens. If this story can remind you of your "be loved" moment and keep this touch in heart with strength to fight against different kinds of adversities in life, I will be very happy.

 I would be grateful if you would consider this romantic fiction for Teen Ink. I am looking forward to receiving your confirmation!

All the best

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