empty letters | Teen Ink

empty letters

December 16, 2019
By gracyee BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
gracyee BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear girl from the shop,

  It was a hot day when I met you at the shop. I noticed you when I walked in, the first thing that caught my eye was your smile. I had also seen that you were wearing a black dress with designs of little flowers on it, you were wearing sandals that wrapped all the way around your ankles and crossed at the top, your hair was down, and you had on droopy pearl earrings that hung down almost to your shoulders. Maybe you noticed me and I just didn't see at first or at all.  I never said anything to you, I was too nervous to do so. Even though we had never actually talked, I wanted to be with you forever because I was so in love with you. I was in love with the way you looked, how your hair swung down your back, and the way you laughed. I turned my head and noticed you started holding hands with someone else and that’s when I realized forever is way too long to be in love with someone, My japanese blue jeans would last me forever though. Honestly, I'm not sure why I stressed over loving you because you hurt me so bad and yet you don’t even know me. It's not your fault entirely though, maybe if I would introduce myself you would love me also. I’ll somehow find a way to contact you so we can then become soulmates, by that time it would have been forever with a couple years knocked off. Maybe by that time you will love me the way I love you.



Your future soulmate

The author's comments:

The boy has this huge crush on a girl he seen at a shop but he eventaully realizes that she is never going to love him back because they have never met. He keeps her in his mind and hopes they find each other in the future and fall in love.

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