Three Broken Hearts | Teen Ink

Three Broken Hearts

January 15, 2020
By 1lorenz SILVER, Okauchee, Wisconsin
1lorenz SILVER, Okauchee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who destroy me. I am the only one who sees them. Three broken hearts with storms of tears and stabbing pain like death. Three who should not be within but always find their way. Three life-threatening tragedies that never go away. From my bed, I can feel them, but mom just yells and doesn’t let me cry.

Their will is too strong. They throw love around beneath girls’ hearts. They grow strong and they grow bold and break my body between their manly fingers and rip the sun with abusive words that never end their hunger. This is how they destroy.

One will never forgive his will for destruction, they’d all move on like clouds in the wind, each with their fists coming down upon your heart. Destroy, destroy, destroy they say when I cry. They break.

When I am too broken and too tearful to be destroyed, when I am a piece of dust among much dirt, then it is I look for new beginnings. When there is nobody left to look for in this life. Three who empowered despite destruction. Three who rule and do not forget to rule. Three whose only way is to break and break.

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