If the world was ending | Teen Ink

If the world was ending

May 10, 2020
By JohnGab BRONZE, Dasmariñas City, Other
JohnGab BRONZE, Dasmariñas City, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were gazing at the beautiful night sky filled with glistening stars, lying down a blanket on the rooftop of her condominium. 


This simple moment was one of the best in my life especially since it was our relationships 1st anniversary . 


And it couldn't get any better as she started singing. 


"If the world was ending you'd come over right?" she sang with her amazing voice as she seated on the blanket we were lying on, i followed her lead and seated cross legged. "you'd come over and you'd stay the night." she continued. "would you love me for the hell of it? All our fears would be irrelevant." she continued singing while looking at me. I gave her a refreshing smile for her voice was just so refreshing, it was one of the thing i loved about her the most. 


"If the world was ending you'd come over right? Right?" she sang as she lay her head on my lap staring at me as if she was actually asking the question.


I stopped to think for a moment. I thought of how much i love this girl and how I'd love to spend my life with her. "Of course i would, if the world were to end i'd spend my remaining time with you." I answered as i gave her a kiss on her forehead. She giggled at my answer. 


"Babe have you heard the news?" she asked wearing that cute smile of hers. I shooked my head as a reply. "They said the world will be ending on October 5 according to some ancient calendar whatnot" she continued on giggling. 


I looked at her with a confused face and replied, "What do you mean?". "Well it's what the news said." she retorted.


I stared at her with the same confused face, wondering what she was on about. "You said you'd come over." she said, pouting. "Yeah, of course i'd spent the last second of this world with you." i said, laughingly to stop her from pouting. 


"If the world was ending you'd come over, right? The sky'd be falling and i'd hold you tight.." she continued her song as we gaze upon the same beautiful night sky. 




"Do you think the world's ending today?" she asked me as we climbed the stairs for the rooftop. "Maybe." i gave her a short reply. I didn't wanna spoil the fun by saying I didn't.


As we finally reached the rooftop, we placed the blanket at our usual spot, lay down and started gazing at the star filled night sky like we usually do. 


As i look unto her and found her deep in thought, maybe she was actually thinking it would be the world's end. "Silly babe" i thought to myself unable to hide my laughter as i stood up. 


I got near the edge of the roof putting my shoulders on the barricade which is not that high and gazed upon the city view from the tall condominium we're at. This beautiful view was one of my favourite sights. 


"Babe? Do you love me?" she asked as she hugged me from the back. 

"Of course i do." i answered with no second thought. 


As i answered a sharp knife pierced my heart from my back. I was dumbfounded and confused unable to understand what was happening as i turn around. 


"why?" i asked, as i saw my girlfriend holding a knife filled with blood, my blood. 

"I thought the world won't be ending today." she replied as she hold me pushing both of us of the building. It was just at this moment that i figured my girlfriend was obsessed with the world ending. 


I wasn't prepared for this, I didn't really believe the world would be ending. Well it didn't end for everyone except for the two of us. 


As we were falling i held her in my arms tight with my sight starting to fade. "Atleast it went the same way the song did the sky'd be falling and I'd hold you tight. The difference was that it was us that's falling." I laughed, it was my final thoughts before we hit the ground. 


"I love you." she whispered the very moment we hit the ground. 


And i was swallowed by the darkness, empty darkness like a starless night sky.

The author's comments:

I just started writing, got the inspiration for this while listening to the song If the world was ending. 

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