What A Life | Teen Ink

What A Life

October 2, 2020
By Anonymous

Breath In 1…2...3...4...5...6… Breath out..1...2...3..4..5...6.. In and out i repeat to myself trying to calm my nerves.Today is the day I have been waiting for my whole life as I look in the mirror at my caramel skin, hazel eyes, long curly brown hair tied half up, half down, “Cold Feet?” I hear a voice from behind me say, as I turn around i see Aurora, my best friend since forever “No,” I laugh, “Just a little nervous,” I respond shaking the jitters out  “Well where starting in 5 minutes so if you wanna back out now just say the words, I have the getaway car ready,” Aurora Laughs “Haha I would never expect anything less.” I joke “Im ready.” I breath, Aurora walks out and joins the others as I look at myself in the mirror one last time admiring my dress, all white, gold laced, sleeveless, it's beautiful, just how me and my mom imagined it would be just a couple years ago, Taking one last breath I go out the door grabbing the candle and waiting for my turn to walk.

After the flower girls last red rose falls to the ground at the end of the aisle, the owner of the church lights my candle and I see the lights dim a little, I hear the music start and begin to walk, seeing everyone stood up watching me in awe as I look down at the candle in my hands 3 wicks, one for my mother, one for my father and one for my twin brother Emilio who all passed away in a car accident when I was 16, I wanted them to be able to walk down the aisle with me as if they were still here, I laugh thinking about the arguments they would have had about who would walk me down the aisle even though in most cases your father would and boy did my brother love to argue, Tears beginning to form in my eyes as I reminisce on all the memories of my family such as how we would take a trip to this cabin we have around Christmas time, All sitting by the fire listening to Christmas songs, My dad trying to crack jokes or telling us about his and mom's past and how they had the movie type love story, when best friends fall in love with each other. The next day we would always go ice skating at the rink not too far from the cabin, and no matter how many times we went, Emilio never could learn how to do it so we spent most of the time there laughing at him every 10 seconds after he fell on his butt. 

I feel one tear fall causing me to come back to reality, Looking up that's when I spot him, his dark brown almost black hair combed to perfection , the little stubs on his chin and above his mouth, his flawless brown skin and his big brown eyes filled with unshed tears, we lock eyes causing my heart to flutter, heat rising to my cheeks, goosebumps forming on my arms, it's crazy how he can still make me nervous after all these years.

Me and Kyrie met in middle school, 7th grade year and let me tell you, we hated each other (emphasize on hate), I thought he was stuck up and rude, he thought I was annoying but 8th grade summer we both had a mutual friend named Sierra, she invited us both to her party we talked there, hours went by but it felt like minutes that night I realized talking to him wasn't so bad and for some odd reason I felt safe around him, I trusted him we became best friends that summer, after I lost my family from the accident he was there to comfort me after I had a complete breakdown, it felt like I was suffocating in a dark pit that was my own body, I was in physical pain, My heart felt like it was literally shattered when I received the news, after the funeral I stayed in that dark place shutting everyone out including Aurora, everyone at school, My aunt and uncle who I began staying with after the accident, I barely talked to anyone and everytime I would they would either say “ I'm sorry for you lost” , “Are you ok” or they would look at me like I was some lost puppy and I honestly hated it, Aurora tried to talk to me everyday, sometimes I would respond back but most days our conversations were dry but Kyrie wouldn't allow me to shut him out, He refused to let me sit in my room alone He was My shoulder to cry on, The person I could talk too about anything, he never pitied me, He was my person and I was his. Kyrie and Emilio were close also, like best friends so he lost someone too so I guess you can say we were there for each other. Our relationship took off from there and we started dating our junior year of high school. He always had the ability to make me nervous, even if i didn't like him i couldn't deny the fact that he was cute, and now 8 years later here we are getting married to each other in a chapel full of our family and friends.

Arriving at the end of the aisle I hand the candle to My aunt Kara, she places it on the table at the end of the chairs in the front row, I grab Kyries hand, cheeks hurting from smiling so much I look up at him seeing that show stopping smile that's meets his eyes, The pastor begins the wedding speech, Me and Kyrie trying our best to hold the tears in. “Kyrie Valentino Young, do you take Marianna Zorella DaVinchi Gloriana Sorez to be your lovely wedded wife to have and to hold till death do you part.” The pastor says “I Do.” Kyrie smiles placing the ring on my finger “And do you Marianna Zorella DaVinchi Gloriana Sorez take Kyrie Valentino Young to be your lovely wedded husband to have and to hold till death do you part” The preacher says again looking at me “ I Do.” I say placing Kyrie’s ring on his finger. “I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." The preacher announces, as Kyrie kisses me the sound in the room begins to go away and it feels like it's just me and him in the room, this is the best day of my life and I honestly can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him,when the kiss is over me and Kyrie are just standing there staring at each other with nothing but love in our eyes as the sound of the room comes back to me and I hear everyone cheering, as we turn and acknowledge everyone in the room and smile I look over to the two empty chairs that would have been where My parents sat, imagining them My father smiling like the proud father he is, My Mother clapping with tears in her eyes so proud of me for where I am now, Emilio would have been Kyries best man, said by Kyrie and Emilio himself when he was alive so he wouldn't be sitting down. Now my dreams in life consist of being the best wife I can be to the love of my life, Making my mother and father proud by become a loving mother and wife just like my mother was, making sure to tell my kid or kids about how amazing there grandparents and uncle were, making sure to keep their memories alive. 

Today Marks one of the best days of my life and I wouldn't change it for the world.

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