The Woman I Have Always Loved | Teen Ink

The Woman I Have Always Loved

December 26, 2021
By ur_local_writer BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
ur_local_writer BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The beautiful beam of light sets like it always does. So beautiful and so effortless. It's inspectable and unbelievable that we live on a planet with such beauty. She and the sky, the world so breathtaking. She oh but she is like soft summer rain, the kind that sparkles. Her hair is like flowers. Green eyes like the tree that are grounded. Grounded like her. Toes in the sand. Every piece is a reminder her of to be here. Telling her she is everything she could ever be. The water calling her. Reminding her that she is one. The moon rises to greet her beautiful face. Stars getting ready to beam their magic. Their little strong lights. Ready to change the world. All billion, yes all of them have a story. Together they make this beautiful scene for her to enjoy. Her white dress flows in the wind. Calling her to run to her freedom. Run like she never ran before. Running like her life depends on it. Reason? She doesn’t need one. She now has control over her life and doesn’t need others' opinions. She has broken the unbreakable chains. Her amber hair is guided by the wind. Her beauty blends in with nature and no competition are needed. Her voice is like the step of a horse, sweet but strong. Guided by force but she doesn’t need it. A leader to others. She is free. Her mind is blissful like a soft pink or a dark blue. Allowed to be here and have access to love. She is only beautiful because she believes she is and that's all she needs. Stand up! She deserves it. Understanding yourself during changes. Knowing yourself when the eggs crack.  She still struggles but works through it and lives her life. She is like the smell and the feeling of a new book. She is welcoming. She expressions herself. No need to hide. She has her sky and it's as beautiful as her. So she sits in this world working and living. She has found her meaning. To wake up to see the sky again and after that, she wants to do it again and again till she is old. As the woman watches her hair turn gray but the sky gets prettier each day.

The author's comments:

This woman with such beauty finally sees the world how she is supposed to. Not wondering every moment why we are here just to finally love being here. There are so many things we take for granted. as this woman describes the feeling of the sun setting and the moon coming. how the world is changing and she is changing with it. Really a beautiful and heartwarming story. It surprised me I wrote this some days. 

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