All the words I want to tell you | Teen Ink

All the words I want to tell you

February 25, 2022
By Mystify PLATINUM, Shanghai, Other
Mystify PLATINUM, Shanghai, Other
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sassy, smart, humorous, and though I hate to admit it, quite cute, sometimes. I could just never bring myself to say it. 


Those are your attributes, happy? 


That was a slap to my face. Who would have guessed that all I could come up were a few words that didn’t hold any true meaning? 


Well, some things are pretty hard for words to describe. 


I mean, I can’t just bluntly say that “over the years…so and so….congrats?” That would seem  

weird, almost stupid. 


Okay, cut the crap out, let me start the real thing. 



I didn’t know what to say, how to say, or when to say. I was no good when it comes to saying these things.





“Good Morning!” She replied enthusiastically.


“How ya doing these days?”


“Fine, but uhh, some things are really boring” She said as she plumped down on her seat next to me.


If you don’t know her, she’s an old acquaintance of mine. She might look really outgoing but she can be a bit shy sometimes. Dark locks, light toned skin, and well, that’s all the description for the looks. 


“What are you staring at?”


“Uhh, me?”


“Yeah you”she glared at me.


“Oh, I just wanted to say that I like it when you have your hair up.”


She quickly turned away while mumbling a few words?


“What was that?” I asked, with a smile on my face. 


“No…nothing”She replied, a bit fazed and startled.


The day went on, and as the last bell rang, it was the end of the school day. She stood up quickly, her hair brushing my cheeks. I don’t know why I still haven’t gotten used to this but each time she accidentally does these things I still get butterflies in my stomach. I’m not sure if that affect is just on me or everyone else. 


“Should we head back now?” I nodded in reply.


The way back was a bit awkward but still delightful, and as the last remnants of the falling sun kissed our cheeks, it signaled that we should be parting ways. 


Now? Right now? Is it the time? I rubbed my hands in despair, I was running out of time.


“See ya tomorrow!” She said brightly.


Damn it, it was now or never.


“Uhhh…” I stuttered, the words wouldn’t come out of my throat.


“Yeah?”she looked back at me both eagerly and curiously. 


“Happy sixteenth birthday!” The words came out bursting out. That’s not what I only wanted to say. I wanted to say that I love her again and over again and forever on. But, I couldn’t do it…


She stopped in her tracks, turned around and froze.


I swore to myself that I had and will never do anything as seemingly awkward as this ever in my life again. Ever.


“Really, thanks!..that really means a lot…”She replied. Her speech was a bit cracked out.


“I almost thought that you had forgotten”I almost believed that saw a speck of tears sparkling in her eyes. Was there? I wasn’t sure.


And that was that. 

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on Apr. 7 2022 at 9:15 pm
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

This is really fabulous!!!☆☆☆
Wonderful choice of words, especially the description of the scene when parting ways...👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻