only one day of love | Teen Ink

only one day of love

September 14, 2022
By Anonymous

Only One Day Of Love

  It's Jhene’s first day of 11th grade, she's feeling a bit under the weather as she calls sarah. “There’s no way you're missing the first day of school! Who am I supposed to sit with at lunch??” she said as she shoved a spoonful of lucky charms in her mouth,

 “Chill out, I'm on my way.,’’.  Since it's only the first day, we have to get our schedules in homeroom. Sarah and I walked to homeroom, when all of a sudden there was a huge circle of people blocking the class's doorway. 

“What's his name??” whos name? 

“What's his second period??” whos second period? 

“When is his lunch period??” WHOS LUNCH PERIOD!? We push through every bookbag.

 “It's like a swarm of bees” says sarah. We go to sit at our desks as the bell rings. 

“To your seats everyone” 

“Now, it is the beginning of the school year, we are expected to see similar faces, and some new ones” explains Mrs. Thompson,

 “We have one new student in our homeroom now, Johnny, may you step forward and introduce yourself ?”. Everyone turns to the back of the class and watches him stand up and walk to the front of the class.

“ Sarah , look how lovely he looks.” 

“He's not cute Jhene.” 

“Yeah yeah…look at his hazel brown eyes, and his curly brown hair.” 

I felt as if I was looking at a bar of shining gold, he looked at the class and said

“My name is Johnny and I like to play volleyball”. When I say our class room was steaming from all the girls blushing, I mean it. When he goes back to his seat, he starts talking to the girl sitting next to him, so I decide that i'm going to introduce myself.

“Hi, my names Jhene, and this is Sarah.” 


“Cool?” Sarah whispers to me

“Maybe he's just nervous, he’ll warm up to us.”. I turn back with confidence this time,

“ Sarah and I also play volleyball, maybe we can hangout and play after school?”

“No, I'm good.” he said, as he turned and laughed at the other girl's joke.

“ I….. that’s fine” I said laughing nervously. 

“Sarah, what just happened…”

“I think he's not interested, as he did make it obvious.”

“But I'm such a heart-rattling person?? Did I say something wrong??”

“ No Jhene, he simply doesn’t want to engage in conversation with you.” but i didn't come off as rude, i like him why doesn't he like me? I just sat in my chair with this indescribable face, thinking on how I can get him to find interest in me. 

“ I got it! My rose quartz.” as i start searching my bookbag. 

“Rose what now?”

 “Rose quartz. It's a crystal found in Brazil that will attract love your way. I always carry one of my favorite crystals with me when I leave my home, and rose quartz happens to be one of them.”

Sarah looked at me with a straight face.

“You REALLY believe in that stuff Jhene?” 

“ yes of course I do” 

“So how exactly does this crystal nonsense work?” she says as she holds the crystal up to the light.

“Well, normally you just carry them around with you, butttt”

“Oh no”

“I’m going to secretly slip it in his book bag” 

“Yeah i don’t think that's a good idea Jhene, aren’t you supposed to follow rules or something??”
“I’m sure it's fine, don't worry about it.”. I slowly slide to the far right of my chair, I check to see the distance between me and Johnny's book bag, I look around to see if anyone is paying any attention to me. I quickly turn back around and place it in the side pocket of his book bag and turn right back. 

“Mission complete Sarah”

All of a sudden, Johnny seems to space out while the girl next to him is talking. He slowly starts to face Jhene direction, 

“Don't you think Jhene is beautiful?” he says to the girl as his ears sparkle like stars.

“ Nevermind Jhene, I’d love to play volleyball with you after school, we can play wherever you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want!”

“Sounds good, meet me in front of the school when the bell rings”

The bell finally rings to go to first period. Everything was going well, Sarah and i have art first period. Me and Sarah see a camera that keeps popping from in front of the doors window to the side, we take a closer glance and it's Johnny with a camera. 

“He's probably in that video class? Right?”

“Well he sure was taking pictures of you”

“Will Jhene Rogers go down to the front office, Jhene Rogers’’ was said over the intercom.

“Am I in trouble?”

“I doubt that, just go see what's up”

As i walk into the front office, the front desk lady ask me,

“Are you Jhene Rogers?”

“Yes ma’am, am I in any trouble?”
“God no honey, someone dropped all these off for you.” it was unbelievable, it seemed unreal. 4 dozen sets of roses of all different colors, with different ribbons and stuffed animals. 

“Red roses remind me of the rosey red tint of your lip gloss. I hope you like them, xxx Johnny.” said all three of the cards from the set of flowers. I felt overwhelmed, like I had rocks piled over me. As I put the cards back in the flowers,

“ click…….. click…… click”

“Did you hear that?” 

“No dear, I don't know what you're talking about”. I heard the sound of a camera click, over and over again. I turn to my left, and I see Johnny with a camera taking pictures of me again. I felt very uncomfortable so I just smiled awkwardly and quickly left and texted Sarah.


“JOHNNY IS WAY OUT OF HAND NOW. THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED’’. He continues to follow and snap pictures of me as i’m trying to lose sight of him. 

“Meet me in the lunchroom restroom.” Sarah replies. I rush to the other side of school to enter the lunchroom from the side so Johnny will get confused. I see Sarah waiting at the doorway of the restrooms. 

“I wouldn’t like to say I told you so, but i told you so” 

“Let's not focus on that right now, we need a plan Sarah”. As we finish coming up with a plan, we start to put it in action. In order for Johnny to completely convert back to normal, we’d have to entirely destroy the rose quartz crystal I slipped in his book bag. Our plan was to get Johnny to set his book bag down as he takes pictures of me, and Sarah would sneak up and just take the crystal out of his book bag.

“No problem, right?”

“Lets just do this”. I nervously wait for Sarah's signal to start roaming the halls again. I need him, at the top of the stairs right above the vending machine.

“Now Sarah”. I texted her.

“He's on top of the stairs, right above where the vending machines are.”

“You got it.”. Sarah quietly starts going down the stairs and sees Johnny. She slowly goes up to his book bag and unzips the side pocket where the crystal is. She sees him zooming in and out of Jhenes face. 

“What a weirdo”. She thought she whispered to herself. Johnny immediately turns around.

“That doesn’t belong to you Sarah. Give it back.”. Sarah starts sprinting down the stairs and meets me at the vending machine.

“ RUN JHENE RUN NOW!!”. I see Johnny chasing Sarah and Sarah has the crystal. I start running down the hall to the gym room.

“JUST TRUST ME!”. All three of us already entered the gym room, Johnny was last. He grabs a baseball bat and weaves it through the gym room's door knobs.

“nowhere to go now right?All you have to do is give me the crystal Sarah, all we’ll all be happy, so Jhene and I can be happy.”. He says as he starts walking our way, I still had the same plan in my head. Sarah had her back facing me, but we all had some distance in between each other. 

“I don’t know what to do Jhene.” 

“Toss me the rock when I tell you to.” 

“Fine, we’ll give it back, and we can be together.”

“Wait Jhene, you don't mean tha-”

“Toss me the rock Sarah.” She tosses me the rock, I slowly start walking towards Johnny with a grin, his face lights up. I put my right hand out and opened it to see nothing. 

“Where is it Jhene??”

“Right here.” I raise my left hand and throw the crystal straight to the ground. Bright lights beamed from every crack of the crystal. Then it shattered to pieces.

“ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE JHENE!!” he says as he's on the ground trying to pick up all the pieces.

“What had to be done.”. He pauses for a second. 

 It seems like he's back to normal.” says Sarah. 

“Why are we in the gym room?” Johnny says as he looks at me with a confused look.

“OH! Um we just finished showing you the school that's all… haha.”

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