Bad Luck | Teen Ink

Bad Luck

September 15, 2022
By Anonymous

“It’s the first day of school and this year I will have a good year for sure… im sure”.The next 32 seconds when he left his house, he got poop on his shoulder from a bird.”Well this was a better start then last year”.

When he arrived at his school he felt ready.”Alright let’s do this”.Then he fell down on the first step he took from school grounds.In his mind “How did I fall?!”.Just when he was about to land head first someone who he doesn’t know grabs his backpack and saves him from falling.When he got up, and looks at the person who help him he was astonish at who it was.It was a beautiful girl with curly brown hair, smooth and soft skin, light brown eyes, and was wearing my school uniform. “Thank you for saving my face, wait I mean…”. She laughs and says “You're welcome, and how did you fall?” he says ”I just have bad luck!” She said, ``Well my name is Veronica”.And he says”Hello Veronica, my name is Chris. Nice to meet you”. Veronica checks the time and then starts running and Chris was confused so he checked the time and he was running late so when he made it, he knew where to go since this is his second year in high school.

When he is walking to his homeroom he finds Veronica lost in the hallways so he says”Veronica!”and Veronica looks and says”Hi Chris umm I need help”.So I guided Veronica to her homeroom.And they both end up having the same homeroom but when Chris step in the room, he is about to get hit by someone who got push accidentally by someone else and was heading straight at Chris and he was not ready for it so he can get hurt but Veronica pushes him so he won’t get hurt and she gets hit from behind and falls down.And Chris says “Oh no I’m so sorry this is my fault”. And she says”It’s ok, I would rather get hit instead of watching you get hit”. From right there Chris begins to catch feelings for her and he says” No, you should have let me get hit because who would want a glamorous girl to get hurt”. From right there and then Veronica felt something she never felt before and the only thing she felt was embarrassment so she got up and ran to go to the restroom when she made it to the restroom she began to be embarrassed and also happy all at the same time. Chris was confused was she storm off but when he realize what he said he also felt embarrassed and so he sat at his assigned seat and thought “I think this will be a good year”

They both became good friends and Veronica's story is that she came from Colombia and moved here from Japan only 10 months ago.I came from Colombia my home town to move to Japan because my parents needed a place to live quietly and peacefully and so I had to make friends, I was a shy person back when I was in Colombia but I was so good at everything that I did, when I was in Colombia I took all lot of classes so I can be good at anything, I took Shotokan Karate, Gymnastics, Cooking, Art, Piano, and so many other things but i wanted to be the best at everything just so I can make my family proud but I also want to talk to people, I want someone that can make me happy, too love someone.So when we moved here in Japan I promised myself I won’t be shy no more so it's been 6 months being friends with Chris and I been having fun with him but he always has a bad luck like this one time a car almost hit him even do he was in the sidewalk , a black cat scratches him, or a person in a bike crash to him.But all does time i was there to protect him and when I’m with him I realize that even do he has this much bad luck he always stands up and fights it and I think that's a strong spirit of his even do his so fragile he his tall, softs skin but rough hands, Blue eyes, Black Short Scruffy hair, and has such a cute smile he's so nice and comfortable to talk to and he never thinks for himself he always wants to help others I wish I can express my feelings to him but I don’t have the courage to do it, I wish he can be safe, safe with me.

I lived here in Japan all my life i been having bad luck since childhood and every person I have ment I give bad luck to them if they stay with me then they will be in the way of my bad luck so i try to not be with my friends or be close to them if they can’t help.It has been 6 months that i've been friends with Veronica and she’s been helping me with my bad lucks and everyday my heart grows and I keep getting closer to her. She is the 1st person to ever in my whole life not leave me because of my bad luck.So today will be the day that I ask her out and if she can be my girlfriend I will do it after school i should tell her to meet me at the side of the school so he did. And so the day flew by and it was time just when hopes were up a teacher drop all her papers and so he went and help the teacher and it took sometime to help but when he finish helping picking all the papers he check the time and he was running a bit late so he started running in the hallways but one of the janitors drop his water bucket and Chris slips in it and falls, now his all wet so he apologizes to the janitor for the disturbance and he keeps running when he made it outside a bird poops on his shoulder again and it starts to get cloudy and it starts to rain so he rushes to the side of the school, when he made it there where he told Veronica to wait she wasn’t there and this made Chris very sad hoping she will be here, But what really happened we had to go back. Chris just asked me to meet him on the side of the school, after school and when he told me this, I was excited and had butterflies in my stomach, what would he say? What will he need? What does he want? So many questions were in my head that time flew by and so I got there a bit early, I was checking if I was ready to what was going to happen until I felt a raindrop then it started to pour so I left to go to a porch and I was getting worried so I called him from his phone. We are back where we left off and so Chris was just standing there in the rain and Chris heard his phone ringing and he answered without looking. Who was the one calling him “Hello?” she says “I’m waiting for you by the porch” Chris says”Veronica! I forgot I have your number, I’m on my way please wait for me” he hangs up and starts running. He finds her and his out of breath just before he can say anything else he chokes for a second Veronica immediately starts to helping him and he clears up his throat and says ”Veronica, I have something that I have been meaning to tell you since I first laid eyes on you” and she stood quietly and stared right at my eyes and I look straight at her eyes and I can see myself in her eyes and I said “I like you, I liked you since you first help me from falling, Over the past 6 months I have been keeping my feelings from you and I had never met someone so beautiful, so Intelligent, so nice, and helpful in so many ways I don’t think you can ask someone so perfect, you are not like any girls in this world, you are different and you were always there for me even do I have bad luck everywhere I go but that didn’t stop you from leaving me so that's why I want to be there for you.. So will you be my girlfriend?” And I couldn’t stare in her eyes since I was so afraid and nervous I look down and put my hand up almost asking for her hand and I closed my eyes thinking I can get rejected and all I heard was “Yes” and her grabbing my hand and I looked up and look at her eyes she was crying but not of sadness but of happiness so I hug her and said “Thank You for making this day my Luckiest Day!” and I ask her if we can go to the Amusement park as are first date and she said yes so the next day we planned it out since it was the weekend she and I had the whole day to ourselves and It was Spring Break and  I took Veronica to a popular park where they have Hill Cherry Trees in the Morning and it was beautiful view and we kept walking to Torii at Itsukushima Shrine and we spent hours looking at the the nice views were she has never seen before and so I saved the best for last. I planned out to go to a couples Tosan Wasen Boat but the lines were long but i don’t want this date to end so Veronica and I agreed to wait on the lines, it was really long and many people around us were getting bored but I had her so we used the time to talk and so we spent the whole time talking it was fun talking to each other and time flew by and it was are turn to get in the Tosan Wasen Boat but when we got on we were surprised on how fast the lines were moving then we check the time and we were in the lines for almost 2 hours and we got surprised how late it was, it got dark and the view was stunning with the City lights, the Moon shining through the water and being with her, but when everything was going fantastic there was a blackout on the City and the Moon was covered by the clouds and everything turn dark we couldn’t see each other faces so at this moment we turn on are flashlights from are phones and we only saw each other faces like if we were the only ones in one room and we both just had this little moment like nothing will bother us and she said “I love you” And wihtout any hesitation I went up to her and kiss her, it was a amazing feeling that I ever had. She gave me a spark and when it was over the lights turned on. We were both looking at each other and we were both happy, then the ride had ended so we got off and headed to our homes. We walk to are homes and I drop her off at her home and I said “That was so much fun I can't wait to do this again” and she said ”Me too, Well goodnight” and I said “Goodnight” and so I left to head to my home when arrived I was so happy and my hopes and dreams came to reality. When Chris dropped me off I ran to my room and I screamed to myself “OH My God!” Slamming herself in her bed in joy and embarrassment “I wish we could have stayed a bit longer”Slamming her head on her pillow she says “So this is love? What an amazing feeling”.When Chris made it to his room he was happy and said “Woo Hoo wow” I can't believe this, I spent the whole day with Veronica and I kissed her, this is the greatest day of my life. I think even if I have bad luck I can always have good luck if I'm with Veronica and I know we can make my bad luck not a problem if we are together..

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