The Freshman | Teen Ink

The Freshman

September 30, 2022
By Cassie_joe07 BRONZE, Willits, California
Cassie_joe07 BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tonight is the first football game. I've been waiting for this since we started cheer practice. I'm so excited, I asked Grayson to come stare at me, so we’ll see what happens. He's here, he actually came, but there's a super cute guy sitting by him. Every time I look at Grayson my eyes shift towards this guy.

I whisper to Hunter, “Who is that guy?”

“I don't know, but he's cute,'' she answers.

I feel like I've seen him before. I'd remember if I'd seen a guy who looks like that, wouldn't I? I spend the rest of the game trying to focus on Grayson. He's the one I asked to come. He's the one I wanted to see. 

The game is finally over. I don't have to worry about seeing him again, but I can't stop thinking about him. Then I get a notification from snapchat: Noah Whitlock added you. Who is this? I relentlessly add him back, and I almost instantly get a snap from him. Holy sh*t it's him.

How'd he get my snap? Why'd he want my snap? What should I do? Anxiety shot through my body as I ask, 

“How’d you get my snap?” 

It takes him a while to respond. Did I answer too quickly? Do I seem too eager? These questions flood my brain as I'm waiting for a response. What feels like hours later I finally get a response.


Really? That's all he has to say? I've been waiting just to get an “IDK.” Sometimes I hate guys. I really let this guy distract me from Grayson. What's wrong with me? 

The next day I walk into school and I see him. Seriously, where did this guy come from? I spend the rest of the week trying to ignore him and avoid him as much as possible, but I can't, I can't help but want to text him. Should I text him? What would I say? 

A couple of days have passed by, and I still can't get this boy out of my mind. I can't stop thinking about him. He's not special, what's wrong with me? I started feeling bold so I snap him. I shouldn't have done it. He doesn't even know who I am. He probably has never even thought about me. 

A few hours later I got a notification from snapchat: A snap from Noah Whitlock. My heart starts racing, and my stomach is turning. What did I get myself into? I open it eager to see what he sent, it's just a black screen. Why do I expect so much from this boy? I give up on him. I'm just going to start focusing on Grayson.

On my way to school the next day I see Noah and his cousin Derek walking to school, should I text him? I immediately decided not to, why would I do that when he doesn't like me. When I get to school I start looking for Grayson. If anyone can get this stupid boy off my mind its him. Just looking at him I turn into a dumb girl, like all my problems are solved just by looking at this, lets be honest, this beautiful boy. 

I still can't get Noah off my mind. Me, being a dumb girl, I snap him again, but this time I dont regret it because I don't care if he answers. He answers almost immediately, like he knew I was going to snap him. This time it's his face, his beautiful blue eyes make me weak in the knees. 

Am I falling for him? That would be impossible right? I've never even talked to him in person. I like Grayson. I know him. I don't know this boy, you can't fall for someone you've never talked to right? 

It's been a couple of days and we've been snapping a lot lately. Just as friends though. I wish we were more, but we don't even know each other. I start telling my friends that I'm talking to a freshman but they think it's weird. The only ones who think its normal is Valerie who told me, “You can f*ck with all the freshies you want, just don't date them,” and Kaylee, who's my best friend and my cousin who told me “You can date anyone you want as long as they make you happy.”

One night when I was snapping Noah I texted him and I said “Goodnight.” 

“No.” he said. 

“What do you mean no.” I responded.

“Don't go to bed.” 

“You either really like me or you don't have friends.”

“Who's to say it's not both?”

That made my heart stop and butterflies explode in my stomach. What should I do? Does he really like me? I really, really like him. Him saying he likes me makes me feel like I can let my walls down with him, but am I safe with him? I still send him my “catfish” pictures, that's what my friends call my “unrealistically pretty” pictures of me. 

Every time I see him I get all blushy and smiley, which he thinks is cute. He thinks it's cute that I'm shy. I'm glad that I found someone that likes me back, but recently Grayson has been showing an interest in me. Why now? I like Noah, why is he doing this? 

Homecoming is approaching, I'm waiting for Noah to ask me. Last night I told him that if he doesn't ask me by the 5th then I'll make a whole ass sign and embarrass the hell out of him. He just told me I'm crazy and it's cute. It seems like everywhere I look someone is being asked and I'm just waiting. Even just a text I'm fine with. What's stopping him from asking me? 

Lately, I've been walking Kaylee to Spanish class so I can see him, but every time I see him I kinda run. He texted me and told me that it's cute and funny that I run, but he'd love it if I said hi to him. I really wanna talk to him, but I can't. I'm too shy. I can't even get closer to him without feeling like I'm going to explode. 

It's Monday and hoco is in five days. Noah still hasn't asked me and I'm getting worried that he's not going to. Are my expectations too high? As these thoughts are rushing through my head, I see him round the corner holding a sign that says,”Flowers are the second most beautiful thing, can I take the first to hoco?” I can't focus. Is this really happening? I can't stop smiling. Finally, I force out “yes.” 

It's finally homecoming and I show up in a little black sparkly dress with my worn out black vans. When I spot him I can't stop blushing, he's in a black button down and dark washed jeans. When I go up to him I can't stop blushing and he keeps smiling at me, which is making my heart melt. I'm so glad that I'm here with him.

The author's comments:

This is based on my life with a little twist.

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