Destined to Fall | Teen Ink

Destined to Fall

September 30, 2022
By miachavez BRONZE, Willits, California
miachavez BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ah, Senior year. My last year of high school. It feels as if only yesterday was my first day of kindergarten. I got out of bed, brushed my long, thick, wavy blonde hair, got dressed and headed down stairs.

“Morning mom,” I said to her as I walked down the stairs.

“Good morning sweetie,” she said. Are you ready for your first day of senior year?”

“ I guess, but it’s just going to be another boring year of high school.” 

“It's not just any boring year of high school, '' she said. “ It's your last year of high school.”

She walked over toward me and hugged me as she said “Ugh, my babys growing up so fast.” She gets so emotional with these kinds of things. I grabbed my bag and headed outside to my car. As I was driving to school I saw that I still had enough time left and stopped at the coffee shop. As I was ordering my usual, a Caramel Frappuccino, I turned to look over and our eyes met from across the room. I got butterflies in my stomach when I looked at him. It was this boy who I've never seen before and looked around my age. He was tall and had short, brown hair. I wanted to talk to him and ask him his name, but I was too nervous.

“Charlotte?,” the barista called, looking down at the side of the cup. I looked down at the time on my phone and saw there was 10 minutes until school started. I grabbed my coffee from the barista's hand and rushed out of there. I was upset I didn't get the boy's name, but I couldn't be late. 

“Good morning,” my teacher said as I walked through the door. Take a seat anywhere.”

I took a seat in the third row, not too close to the teacher, but not too far back to where I couldn't see. The teacher kept talking and next thing I knew the class was over. The class period went by really fast. There isn't much work since it was the first day, but it was still boring. 

“Wow,” I said to myself while stepping out of the classroom. The hallways were crowded with people. Freshman, trying to find their next class. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors calmly making their way down the halls. While walking down the hall I bumped into someone.

“Ah, I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going,” I said, picking my books up off the ground. I looked up and was shocked when I saw who it was. It was the same boy from the coffee shop. I stared at him for a few seconds gazing into his olive green eyes. I snapped out of my thoughts and broke our connection.

“Sorry about that, I should've been watching where I was going,” I apologized again.

“No, you're fine,” he said. “It was my fault. I'm Liam by the way.”

“I’m Charlotte, It’s nice to meet you, officially. I have to get to class, but I'll see you around,’’ I said walking away. He is so dreamy I thought to myself, as I walked away. By the end of the day I had realized he was in all of my classes and I didn't realize until the end of the day. 

I got home and no one was home. My mom works all day and I never really get to see her. I was laying in bed on my phone, when I saw I had a new friend request. It was Liam. We kept texting all night and I really enjoyed talking to him. The next day at school our teacher announced we will be working on a baking project and we will be partnered up. 

“You can bake anything of your choice but one of you has to be blindfolded and the other has to help that person bake it.” “I will call out the names of the people who are partnered up,” the teacher said. “Lily and Ivy will be partners. Jake and Skylar. Charlotte and,” she paused. “Liam.”

I was partnered up with Liam. This was actually really great because we can get to know each other better. I walked over to Liam, who was sitting in the back and asked if he'd want to work on the project at my house after school.

“Sure,” he said with a smirk on his face.

God he is so cute, I thought to myself. Okay focus Charlotte, I told myself. We don't need any distractions. When school was over Liam and I met at my house to work on our project.

“We have to decide who is going to be blindfolded and who is helping the other,” he said. “I think we should have you blindfolded and I’ll help you,” he said, trying to persuade me into being blindfolded.

“Fine, I’ll be blindfolded,” I said. “Okay, let’s bake a cake.”

We started baking and it was really fun. We baked the cake and it turned out really good. 

“You got something on your face,” he said and rubbed flour all over my face. 

“Oh really, that's how you want to play,” I said, taking my blindfold off and throwing flour at him as he ran away. After we finished our project we hung out for a while at my house.

“Hey, I have to go home, but I’ll see you tomorrow at school,” he said, picking up his stuff. He left and right as he left my mom showed up. She asked me who that was and I just told her a new friend from school.

“Oh, I thought that was your boyfriend,” she said.

“No, you know I’d rather focus on school than have a boyfriend,” I explained to her. I went to my room and kept thinking about what my mom said. I never thought much about having a boyfriend or something of the sort, because it'd interfere with my sports and school, but because of Liam I started to think about it. Maybe having a boyfriend wouldn't be so bad and I kinda like Liam. I just don't know how to tell him.

Months went by and Liam and I kept hanging out everyday. There was a lot going on with prom, and the end of year coming up, but other than that it was still another normal day at school, until I was walking down the hallway and saw Liam. Liam had a sign that said “Will you kill it at prom with me?” It was the cutest thing ever. I said yes and jumped to hug him. 

After prom was over I got home, went to my room and laid down in bed. I was exhausted. I was on my phone and I saw I got a notification from Gmail. I went to open it and saw it was from the college I had applied to. I ran down the stairs to tell my mom and opened it with her there. 

“Mom, I got the email from Yale, but I havent opened it yet,” I said in a nervous, shaky tone. 

“Don’t worry hun, I’m sure it'll be good news,” she said very supportively.

I opened the email and read it all carefully. Oh my god, I got in! Wait, how am I going to tell Liam? The next day I texted Liam to meet me in the quad after school because I needed to tell him something. 

“Hey, you wanted to talk about something?” he said.

“Yeah, I got into Yale!” I said excitedly. “The reason I wanted to talk is because I like you Liam. I really like hanging out with you. Everyday is like a new adventure, but now I don’t think we'd work out with me going to college.”

“I understand,” he said quietly. “I really like you too, but you're right we wouldn't work out.”

“If we’re meant to be we’ll, find each other again in the future,” I said, holding back my tears.

The author's comments:

This piece is about two people destined to fall in love. It was love at first sight. 

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