Tree Swing | Teen Ink

Tree Swing

December 16, 2022
By Anonymous

"Omg Ember guess what happened on my way here!" shouted Sheila out of excitement as she ran upstairs into her best friend Embers' room uninvited. They are really close best friends who grew up together, So Sheila going over uninvited is nothing new to Ember. 

 "There's always something new with you everyday." Ember jokingly answered her hyper best friend. Sheila jokingly side eyed her back then began to ramble about how she saw a cute guy with the same school uniform as them.

 "No but really we made eye contact AND he talked to me too 'dont worry its okay' four words, he spoke F O U R,  that's four words to me, it's definitely a sign."

"Of course he did, Sheila you literally bumped into him and made him drop his book. What else is he supposed to say? Anyways, why are you here when you should be packing, you leave tomorrow." 

"That's why I'm telling you this so you can help me get to know him while I'm away, you know, like you spy on him or become his friend then you update me."

"You're insane..Do you even know his name?"

 "Joshua, he had his nametag on with our grade color so I wrote it down to make it easier."

 "Okay only because you're gonna be gone for so long and I don't want you to be upset."

It was the first day of junior year and the only thing Ember had on her mind was how she was going to find Joshua. Which was going to be challenging since she didn't know what he looked like, and the only way she would be able to find him was to look at every boy's name tag or be on the lookout if she heard someone say his name. She had forgotten she didn't have any friends other than Sheila because she was too stressed about finding Joshua, so she decided to join a club called "The Film Club". Ember lives by the saying "Capture the moment", She loves taking pictures and videos of everything so she just knew she wouldn't regret joining. School had ended but Ember had no luck finding Joshua so she was exhausted but she still had her club to attend. Ember was seated waiting for the teacher to show up, there were 3 other people in the classroom but it seemed like they were already friends and she didn't want to try to invite herself in so she just sat back and waited. 10 minutes passed by and Ember was fighting the urge of falling asleep until suddenly the door creaked open and 3 figures entered the room, One who she assumed was the teacher and two that sat down at the table next to her. 

"Wow Welcome to the 6 of you who were interested in joining this club, there's a few of you this year. You're gonna have to get into partners or groups and introduce yourselves to each other. Choose wisely and get comfortable because you're gonna stick with those people for the rest of the year!"

Ember felt her body get stiff because she didn't know anyone and was thinking about what to do but her thoughts got interrupted.

"Do you want to be partners?"

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" 

"Would you like to be partners? You're by yourself and so it would be great if you could join us."


"What grade are you guys in?"

"Juniors, how about you?"

"Oh me too."

"Really? I'm Daniel, what's your name?" Asked Daniel as Ember sat at their table.


"I'm Joshua."

Ember's body froze the moment she heard that name 'Joshua and he's a junior too'. She felt so relieved and excited that she finally found Joshua, she could sprint out the classroom and go home to email Sheila if she could . After introducing themselves, talking and the teacher explaining the whole point of what the club is about, it was time to go home.

Ember, Daniel and Joshua spent time in and out of school together to get to know each other and in those days they found out they had so many things in common which made them click and become friends instantly. It also surprised Ember because the only person she knows who's also like that is Sheila. 

"The Film Store is like a 20 minute walk and I can barely go up the school stairs without running out of breath, you're crazy if you think I'm walking that far."

"No Joshua you're just lazy. We can take the bus instead then." Ember argued back.

"Okay let's go!"

They walked to the bus stop, started conversations left and right, arrived at the Film Store, and made their purchase. They had no plans after so they decided to go home but as they were parting ways Ember came up with an idea since she didn't want to go home yet.

"Guys, let's go get Frozen Yogurt!"

"You're too far, I'm not walking back!!"

"I'm paying though I have some change left." Ember said as she waved $15 in the air.

"Okay let's go"

"Fine, I've been craving some either way.." Joshua switched up and decided to tag along.

"You didn't have a choice either way cause my house is locked, no one's home and I have the keys unless you would've wanted to wait outside." 

"You're so right. Ok let's go then" Joshua began speed walking leading the way to the Frozen Yogurt shop.

This happened almost every time the trio hung out because they enjoyed their friendship a lot, making plans after plans until it was time to go home, which is what led to them becoming a close trio. Ember decided it was best to only send Sheila important and fun updates so she did not stress too much, Plus she didnt wanna seem weird. Adding on to that Sheila went under surgery and the emails would just pile one after another, then maybe it would be too much for Sheila when she woke up. Life was going great for Ember, Waking up, School, Club, Hanging out with the trio, Home, Chores, and Sleep. All she needed for it to be even better was for Sheila to come back because she missed her best friend, even though she has friends to distract her and keep her company, she needed her to be there.

It's been months since the trio met, they were best friends at this point. They knew each other too well already but Ember was noticing Daniel acting differently towards her but she didn't think much of it. Daniel on the other hand developed feelings for Ember over the last months and decided to start hinting that he likes her without actually admitting it, but he thought she wasnt getting the hints so he eventually gave up and decided to tell her how he felt.

"You're FINALLY here!!" Ember hollered towards the figure approaching her.

"Why did our hangout spot have to be so close to your house but a decent distance away from where me and Joshua live?"

"I never thought about that sorry but hey! you always end up coming either way and you never complained or said anything about it."

"Well yeah because who am I to deny an invite."

"You're right, If Joshua doesn't get here in the next 8 minutes we're leaving."

They made small talk in the meantime and Daniel thought it was the perfect time to tell Ember how he felt about her before Joshua arrived, and he did.

So this is why he's been acting so strange towards me lately. What do I say though.I do but I don't know. Ember didn't know what to say but she did feel the same way she just didnt know how to word it.

"Well I-"

"SORRY I'M LATE. My mom made me wait until my sister came home to take care of my little brother since we were taking turns babysitting and my mom thinks im a usps worker or something because she's always making me go to my cousins to drop off some stuff a- " A voice interrupted Ember mid sentence. "Okay let me be quiet. Long story short I had some family things to take care of."

Joshua looked really confused after he was done rambling about why he was late because Embers had a blank expression while Daniel looked like he just saw a ghost.

"Um guys, did something happen? Did I interrupt something serious?"

"Actually yes you did, we were deciding which bakery to go to."

"Oh about that I was thinking we should go to my best friend's sister's Bakery, she just opened up and we can get a discount since she loves me like her own sister." Ember hasn't mentioned Sheila to her friends so she felt like this was a perfect time to talk about her.

"Who's your best friend? I thought it was just us." 

"Sheila, she would be going to school with us but she had to fly out of the state to get a heart surgery done. I don't know when she'll be back but you guys are gonna love her, especially Joshua." 

"Ah I see. Can't wait to meet her."


Ember began to talk all about her friendship with Sheila all the way till they got to the bakery shop and the boys listened closely especially Daniel since he thought he knew Ember but apparently he didnt if he didn't have a clue about Sheila even existing so he felt like he had to start paying more attention to Ember.

-Time skip-

"Vanilla flavor? You're so basic and lame."

"You can't be talking when you're eating mint chocolate ice cream. It literally tastes like toothpaste."

"Vanilla ice cream has no flavor though." 

"You guys are always teaming up on me, this isn't fair. Ember, when is Sheila coming so I can have someone to side with me." Joshua asked desperately.

" Vanilla flavor is my favorite. Ember, I cant believe your bashing on my taste " said an unfamiliar voice to both Joshua and Daniel but a familiar voice Ember has been wanting to hear for so long now. When Ember heard that specific voice she immediately jumped out of the seating booth and ran to hug her best friend. Daniel and Joshua just looked at eachother confused.

"When did you get back? 

"I was walking to your house to go see you but I looked inside here as I was walking and saw you. Who are these people?"

"Oh right this is Daniel and Joshua." Ember introduced them and sat down together to catch Sheila up on everything since the first day of school to now.

Sheila was getting along well with Daniel and Joshua and Ember felt so happy and felt complete now that life was going 100% the way she wanted it to be, Being together with her bestfriends. 

"What was his name again? RIGHT Daniel. He looks even better but really different from the first time I saw him ...." Sheila began talking about the boys when they arrived at Embers house.

"Wait who? Daniel was the one sitting next to me and Joshua was the one you were sitting next to."

"Yes exactly I know."

"But wasn't Joshua the one you wanted to get to know better because you liked him? You know…. The one who you bumped into on the bus then you came running to my house rambling about him,Not Daniel."

"No. It was Daniel, Ember. It seems like you were the one who got surgery and they messed up your head or something." Sheila jokingly said."You should help us get together now that I'm here."

Ember laughed it off but deep down she felt her heart drop when noticed Sheila was being serious. Sheila was talking about everything that she did while she was gone but Ember was not paying attention to a single word she was saying, She had blocked everything out. She was overthinking about what Sheila had told her.

"It was my mom, she wants me to go back home and finish unpacking." Sheila finished talking while putting her phone away. 

"You should go, we can catch up another day with more time!"

"Well okay bye! See you!"

"Bye." Ember watched her best friend walk down the sidewalk from her porch and felt relaxed when she was hit by the fresh breeze which was very much needed. Everything felt so different from how things were an hour ago. She felt so cheerful but now she didn't know what she felt because the moment she returned back to her room she felt so many emotions rushing through all at once. Her heart was racing, Vision was getting blurry, Trouble breathing, Fidgeting and was pacing back and forth in her room trying to calm down. Why is this happening?It's just a boy who cares. But it really wasn't really just that. It was the fact that she felt like she betrayed her best friend and her overthinking convinced her that if Sheila found out that she liked Daniel and he liked her back, they would stop being friends which is something she didn't ever want to happen. She knew Sheila isn't that type of person and would never end their friendship over a boy but the voice in Ember's head told her otherwise.

 Ember decided to try to ignore and help Sheila out instead because she didn't want to risk anything. Basically putting others before herself which was a huge mistake. Because of what she decided, She was distancing herself from Daniel and hanging out with Joshua more when the friend group hung out, so that Daniel and Sheila could spend more time together. Ember did notice Daniel got kind of quiet and tried to talk to her but everytime she would change the subject or bring Sheila and leave them together, which she did feel really bad but she felt like she had no other choice.

The friend group was on facetime and was having a playful debate until Daniel randomly spoke up after being quiet most of the time.

"We should go to the Theme Park."

"Wow is that Daniel making plans for the first time ever??"

"For reals it's always us and never him."

"That's random and off topic but we should go, This isn't even a debate anymore it's just Ember and Joshua bickering and I haven't been to one in a while."

"Okay let's meet up at the tree swing in 40 minutes."

The reason Daniel chose to go to the Theme Park was because he's moving back to his hometown and he wants to spend time with his friend group especially Ember, although she has been keeping a distance from him without a reason he still wanted to be with her one last time and have fun like they used to. When they all arrived at the theme park they went on rides as a group together at first but Ember noticed Daniel was trying to be with her instead of Sheila so she decided to split up with Joshua and leave the other 2 on their own. 

"What's going on with you and Daniel?"

"Nothing, Why?"

Joshua noticed the change in atmosphere between her and Daniel and finally decided to ask about it but as he started asking Ember it was their turn to get on the ride. 

"Actually.." Ember started to explain everything while they were spinning in circles upside down thinking that Joshua wouldn't be able to hear her due to the loud screams of others on the ride. She felt the heaviness on her shoulder go away which she was glad but when they got off the ride she had a couple tears rolling down. Joshua saw but didn't say anything because he in fact did hear what she said but it was obvious that she didn't really want him to actually listen so he pretended not to know and tried to make her feel better instead. After a while they decided to go home because Sheila was feeling nauseous, Joshua and Ember were tired and things didn't go the way Daniel wanted things to go. He was upset because he barely got to have a full conversation with Ember so when he arrived home he went straight to his desk, pulled out an envelope, piece of paper and a pen, then began to write a letter to Ember fully confessing to her. He took out his film camera that he has been using to take videos for memories every time the trio hung out. He put videos that he could find of him and Ember together and transferred it to a cd disc, And put it together in a small box. 

The day before Daniel's departure he had explained everything to Joshua just to let him know in case he needed help getting the box in Ember's hands. Daniel made his way to Ember's house to give her the box and he was nervous but it was a now or never situation but when he rang the doorbell no one answered and Ember did not pick up either. He waited a bit and decided to come back later, Unfortunately the reason why Ember didn't pick up and wasn't home was because she had a family emergency to be at and it took her all day and night until she could go back home. Daniel was left waiting again when he went to her house for the 2nd time and he was getting anxious because he had a flight to catch the next day and he couldn't just leave without saying goodbye. Ember has no idea that Daniel is moving across the country in a couple of hours which makes it worse. 

It was the next day, The day Daniel had to leave and Ember still knew nothing about what was going on. Ember ended up getting back home early in the morning and She had no plans for the day so she decided to sleep in but as soon as she was falling asleep her phone started blowing up and she jumped out of bed, turned on her phone to see so many texts from Sheila.

Sheila: Come to the tree swing now. This is urgent. Emergency. Hello. Ember!!

Reading those messages freaked Ember out because she was just falling asleep and now she's rushing out the door making her way to their hangout spot.

As soon as Ember arrived, Sheila ran up to her and told her everything about how Daniel is leaving.

"What do you mean? Hold on how do you know this? I'm sorry I didn't tell you any sooner and you had to find out through someone else." Ember didn't know exactly what to say because she had so many thoughts floating around in her head.

"Long story short, Joshua told me what you said at the theme park, Then Daniel told Joshua everything and told him to tell me to tell you that he's leaving. That's not important though. Ember It's alright I promise you, I don't care if you like Daniel. I would never end a friendship for a boy and you know it especially our friendship. Now if you want to go see him before he leaves, go NOW."

"Thank you so much Sheila, you're the bestest friend ever, I'll be back!"

"Good luck!"

Ember ran back home to borrow her sister's car to make it to the airport quickly. She repeated the gate number Sheila had told her over and over again. She forgot to bring her phone with her so all she could do was hope luck was on her side. After searching and searching although she was exhausted since she didn't sleep at all she fortunately saw a familiar back figure from afar.

"Daniel!" Shouted Ember as she made her way towards him.

He immediately turned around and started smiling. She explained everything from beginning to end and why she did what she did while tears were rolling down her cheeks one after another. Daniel didn't really care about what happened, He was just glad that she was there. They talked until it was time for Daniel to leave. They Confessed and promised each other that they would text and call each other everyday when they could.

It's been 1 Year since Ember and Daniel got together and since Daniel left. Everything was going perfectly fine, they would call everyday updating each other about everything they did so they had nothing to worry about. That was until Daniel randomly stopped replying to Embers messages and calls. Ember didn't think much of it because she trusted him a lot that she knew he's not capable of doing anything bad. She just simply thought that he was super busy and didn't have the time to talk to her but that wasn't the case. Days, Weeks, A month, 2 months and so on passed by and Ember still didn't have any contact with Daniel. Ember was slowly giving up on him but she didn't because she had hope, she continued waiting and waiting until it was unfortunately that time of the season again, The same exact day and season that Daniel left 2 years ago. Unfortunately Ember was done waiting for Daniel to pick up her calls and answer her text messages, She assumed he had a whole new life now and that he had forgotten about her so she tried to forget about him by getting in a relationship, but she couldn't so she just didn't bother trying anymore and just decided to live life the way it was.

3 weeks later Ember was helping her parents pack up their house because they were moving and she saw a box shaped package laying outside on the porch. Her curiosity took over her and she opened the package, it was a small box that needed a key to be opened but she couldn't find a key inside the package. What she did find was a paper with an address and date written on it, and of course her curiosity led her to the location when the day came. She was confused why whoever sent the package would want her to go to an Art Exhibition. The art exhibition was prepared for Ember by Daniel's younger brother. As Ember made her way through the Exhibition she slowly started to realize what it was about. She saw the spots that she and Daniel had hung out back then. Her eyes grew so much wider by the end of the film when she saw the Swing tree and a date written in the middle of the screen. The film answered all of Ember's questions and worries she had about Daniel, but none of the answers were expected or what she wanted to see or hear. When she was walking out of the Exhibition she saw a man who was Daniel's younger brother. They introduced themselves and talked.

"What exactly happened to him?"

"This is going to be hard to explain and for you to take in general. He passed away in a plane crash. He was on a flight back to you to surprise you but unfortunately, he never made it to you."

Ember was speechless and heartbroken, She felt terrible knowing that she was wrong the entire time. She didn't know what to do or say but cried. After a while before they parted pays, His brother handed Ember the key which was for the box.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate you so much."

"No, thank you for being such a huge part of his life, He would talk so much about you and Joshua everytime you all hung out. He looked happy."

When Ember arrived home she immediately unlocked the box and made her way to the tv seeing that it was a dvd disc. She clicked play and saw the videos of Her with Daniel in highschool together, Mostly pictures and videos of her form his point of view. By the end of the film she realized she should have taken all those chances she had at the time and learned to never miss an opportunity or take anything for granted, To just live the moment and don't worry about the future until it comes. Although there was nothing they could do to stop the plane crash, she still regretted not doing things sooner and waiting till the last minute just because she wasn't thinking about her own feelings.

Something Ember never got to do was read the letter Daniel had written for her that day.

Matter of fact she didn't know there was a letter at all.

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