Twilight park 2 | Teen Ink

Twilight park 2

April 12, 2023
By SirShadow BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
SirShadow BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Twilights Park is a place where young and grownups go to have fun, and it is also a place where love between friends and couples that have expressed their feelings to one another. After a year of Aphmau and Aaron being apart from one another what they do doing that year is Aphmau learns how to do healing magic to heal Aaron because she had hurt Aaron at the log they had stayed and she had to watch him get hurt by her and Aaron learns about his werewolf side he remember about how he was not let near anyone because of his eyes and how if they change they could end up killing someone and after a year of them not seeing each other for so long they both reuniting with each other at Twilight Park.     

And for the first day, Aarons's mom and dad are trying to get them a house on the island so they can have a place to relax and chill after the fun ride but for now, they are sleeping on the boat until they can find one.                                                                                                                           

After the first day, Aphmau's mom tells her that there is a very good taco stand and Aphmau get excited that they go and try to find it on the island taco stand will try to find it they run it to some friend’s fun high school, and it was not the way the came and then ended up finding it and getting some taco for them and the werewolf friends and will that’s happening Aphmau mom and Aaron mom are talking about Aaron proposing to Aphmau at some point.                                                                           

And after they have eaten, they all go to the spring near them to meet up with two other friends they all start swimming and one of the werewolf friends go talks to Aphmau to teach her a little more about werewolf culture after the talk Aphmau feels bad because of the things she has said.                          

The next day Zane ends up getting sunburned bad and Garroth takes Zane back to their room and tries to help Zane but makes a lot of noises Kawaii-Chan hears this and goes to see what is happening sees Garroth trying to help and tells him that there is a special flower on the island that could help him and that she can make a lotion out of it then her went to find it and then Kawaii-Chan give Zane a lotion that she made because she gets sunburnt very easily too and tells him a little about herself and how she has eleven brothers and sister and how they all look alike why she had changed so she would not be the same to her brothers and sisters and after hearing that Zane feels bad for all of the struggle she has gone throw.               

Will that is happening Aphmau and Aaron go on a double date with Katelyn and Trave to get to know what has happened to Aaron and to explain why Aaron is a werewolf and why Katelyn and Trave are dating and how it happened will everyone else go off to ride some of the rides in the park will Aphmau and Aaron on back at the house by themselves Aphmau ask Aaron to turn her into a werewolf too and she did for.                                               

For the next four days, she was in a lot of pain and just slept after the second day she was able to move around but she doesn't know how to hide the ear and tail so Aaron went to buy her a hat to cover the ear and after all of that they go to a party that the island hosted for everyone to have a great time and after a little bit Aphmau and Aaron went somewhere quiet to talk and practice hiding her ear and tail and then went back to the house.

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