Dear Edelmiro | Teen Ink

Dear Edelmiro

April 7, 2010
By Anonymous

Dear Edelmiro,

It was easy for me to tell everyone on the soccer team that I was over you but the truth is you're always on my mind. Not even soccer could keep me busy enough to kick you out of my mind. Not even school could keep me busy enough to work you out of my mind. No I don’t love you but I still have this certain attraction for you that I haven’t had with any other guy. It’s not your brains or the fact you're on a varsity team, but something more. I remember when we texted about me thinking you were cute and you gushed how you were the lucky one. I laugh at the time when you skipped your history class and hung out in your car the entire time. Then you walked me to lunch which was only like 10 steps and then to my math class cause you hadn’t left school. I remember getting all pissed when you brought up the "hot" girls from your novelas but it was okay because I blabbed about the boys in my novels. It was funny the time I waited for you after practice and a couple of the soccer guys sang some spanish love song that I didn’t understand but had to laugh at the fact that they were doing it cause of us. It was fun wishing you good luck before a game knowing you text me saying the same thing. I remember when I went to the library not knowing you'd be there and then having you come behind me to pull my backpack. It was easy telling you that I loved to read because you didn’t call me bookworm. In the month I got to know you, I was able to memorize your schedule which was very awkward but cool because I knew where you'd be. Now I remember because I take different routes to class to avoid seeing you in the halls but it doesn’t matter because I still see you around in your nice shirts, the dark jeans, and your nice brown shoes or converses. It was all you wore and it was weird because you made me feel really undressed. I was just a t-shirt, jeans, and converse kind of gal but you didn’t mind. When I ended things first I was scared that you'd hurt me. Then you ended things with me because you were afraid to hurt me. Now it doesn’t matter because we're torn apart from each other and I still think of you all day. I see you in the hallways going to class taking the old routes I did, at lunch sitting with the other soccer players and laughing about weekend events, and outside during soccer practices waiting patiently for the side gate to ready to get over you but I don’t know how. I don’t want to date another boy cause I fear you'll think I’m a slut, I don’t want to go out and party because then you'll fear bad that I’ve turn to drugs just to get over you, I don’t want to go all depressed because then girls will hate you for what you did to me. So now I just sit and wait hoping for a second chance which is 50/50 at the moment. If I could talk to you again I’d tell you that I’m running for publicity chairman of the senior class and you'd tell that I’d win without a doubt, I’d tell you that I made it to regional for headline writing and you'd hug me for what I did, and I’d tell you my future and you'd say that's good and how I will have a good future for myself. Well so long for now and hopefully we can be friends in the future, for right now it’s best to just part ways and see what there is out there for each of us.

The author's comments:
it was some things i wished i'd said before edelmiro and i ended things between us

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on May. 2 2010 at 2:21 pm
socrprncss12 SILVER, Weslaco, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 11 comments

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With God, Anything is Possible

an update on edelmiro and me is that we have talked a couple of the end i did get over him but i do wish we went back to the things we had because i miss our talks,walks,and fun times