It's all up to you <3 | Teen Ink

It's all up to you <3

May 26, 2010
By Hannah Magann BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
Hannah Magann BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

beautiful or terrible?
kind or cruel?
fun or boring?
happiness or tears?
caring or arguing?
giving your all or giving up?

You have to decide whether you'll stick by his side through the rough times and the amazing times ... because it can't always be your way, love isn't always kind .. it's not perfect. So it's all up to you, you either give it all you have and if you can't do that, you might as well just give up and walk the other way.

The author's comments:
Relationships are what inspired me, how they're not always good but sometimes they are bad. And how know matter what i'll stick with my boyfriend through hard times !

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