She Walked Away | Teen Ink

She Walked Away

August 10, 2010
By ticklemepink1941 GOLD, Grayslake, Illinois
ticklemepink1941 GOLD, Grayslake, Illinois
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

She Walked Away
They were two little kids. They were always seen together riding bikes and eating popsicles in the summer. They colored together and played house and pretended to be married. Their parents thought it would be funny if they fell in love, so they did.

It was summer. He called her up on her phone and told her to meet him at the bridge just down the road from their houses. She hadn’t ever been there before so she wasn’t quite sure where to go, but he told her she would see him waiting. She walked up there right to the middle above the water with the sun setting when he told her he loved her. They never went out before, but they were best friends. The best that best can ever get. Deep down she wanted him to say that, but also didn’t want him too because she was afraid of what would happen if they didn’t stay together forever. But instead she went along with him and said it back to him.

So that’s that and they were a couple. They were always seen riding bikes together and eating popsicles in the summer. They still colored sometimes and talked about what it would be like if they really got married. They talked about school and what was going to happen in the future. They told each other everything and shared all their secrets. Their parents wondered what would happen if they fell out of love, so they did.

It was the end of summer. He called her up on her phone and told her to meet him in a field behind their house. She hadn’t ever been there before but she knew she would see him there waiting. She had no idea what to expect but she wasn’t scared because it was her best friend and he probably just wanted to hang out somewhere special. But she got there and the feeling was all wrong. Then he said it. There was another person he loved. Her world just came crashing down in front of her. Her best friend cheated on her with someone else. How could he do that to her? She just stood there and waited for him to apologize, but nothing came. He just walked away.

Then the next summer was a different summer. They weren’t seen together. It was always him with his friends and her with her friends doing different things. They never talked and they never hung out. Then he called her up and told her to meet him at the bridge. She went there right to the middle, above the water where the sun was setting. He apologized and told her he loved her. He stood there waiting for her to say it back, but she knew better than to get her heart broken again. So this time, she walked away.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 19 2010 at 8:52 pm
AHHH this is amazing shoes :) ;) ya done good, kid :)