Is gone ... | Teen Ink

Is gone ...

October 26, 2010
By krazimonica BRONZE, Miami, Florida
krazimonica BRONZE, Miami, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It fades, it leaves, it dissapears and now its gone. What was once us is now the worlds they never wanted the word US or LOVE to be maybe if there was something we could have done since the begining.No. But now its too late, too late to say thank you, too late to say im sorry and maybe even too late to say "I LOVE YOU", but why did it have to end this way. Love is not about what you see in the movies and its definetly not at all that easy, its gets harder before it gets easier.The fact that people start thinking your someone else doesnt mean your comletly someone else. It hurts when you have lost it all your best friend , family, other friends and for some the biggest thing in a teenager girls life your boyfriend. And now you have nothing its narrows down to that one peice of paper that lets your insperation flow without judgement. it gets to the point were you cant take this anymore, you need someone to go cry to, listen to you and especially him. that one person that knows what your always going to say next.But NO. Its too late, Its faded like the clouds, it dissapeared and now its gone. I can say i am alone, But really let me be alone. People talk A lot but at the end of the day i know im me!!..
I could easily change for what people want to see but that doesnt make me who I amor who i want to be. yea your right im not happy 24/7 but I have my days like any normal person. I ask myself is there anyone out there that will say I LOVE YOU for who you are or just thank God for you?.
But im me I want to be someone that people will remember. Things vanish away forever yet some come back.Thats just reality but my soul and dreams grow more and more each day and who i am and what makes me;me well, I can tell you its someone I know that never gives up just because of one thing that goes wrong in life.And never gives up on what can be. Because there is always one person that has to beleave. Vanished, Gone but forever me.

The author's comments:
life and relationship was my inspiration....:D

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