Say You'll Haunt Me | Teen Ink

Say You'll Haunt Me

April 5, 2011
By Anonymous

?Little supernovas in my head, little soft pulses in my dead; little souvenirs and secrets shared; little off guard and unprepared…?

“Jason? Jason! Dude are you even here?!” I spoke loudly as I stepped slowly into the dark, unlit attic of the old Gothic-style house. Fumbling around for a light switch, my hand suddenly came in contact with what felt like skin. Slowly, cautiously, I ran my fingertips gently across the surface, trying to find a mark, a scar identical to the one on the back of my hand. Feeling the perfectly smooth, raised skin, I breathed a soft sigh of relief.
?I was never good enough to find, I was never bad enough to mind; in the middle I will do my best; take me in your arms and leave the rest…?

“Jason, you gotta remember that I can’t see in the dark. Maybe you can, but I sure can’t!” I chuckled, smiling in his general direction. An awkward silence followed suit, and not even our breathing could be heard in the lifeless attic. Just as I was about to speak, Jason reached around my head with his free hand and flipped the lock.
?I will give you anything to say you wanna stay, you want me too; say you’ll never die you’ll always haunt me; I wanna know I belong to you; say you’ll haunt me…?

“Jason? What are you---” The taller shadow cut me off mid-sentence by placing his finger to my lips.
?Together, together, we’ll be together; together forever…?

“Scarlet, tell me. How long have we been friends?” Jason questioned me, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. He moved his finger away from my lips, only to plant it firmly on the other side of my head.
?Little variations on my page, little doors open on my cage; little time has come and gone so far; little by little who you are…?

“Since we were three, so about 14 years. But why? You know that,” I spoke softly. Jason was really starting to worry me. This isn’t like him at all… any other time, he would’ve thrown me a punch line by now… something is REALLY suspicious here…I thought, slightly worried that I had done something wrong without realizing it.
?I can see the patterns on your face, I can see the miracles I trace; symmetry in shadows I can’t hide; I just want to be right by your side…?

Pinned in by his hands, I relaxed back against the door. Even as dimly lit as it was in the room, I could still see the details of Jason’s face. His jaw-length, shaggy hair was pushed out his face, minus two or three clumps that fell across his forehead. Thin lips twitched into a slight smile beneath a nose that was just a tiny bit too big for his face. Green, almond-shaped eyes stared deep into mine with a look that could read me like an open book, even when no one else could. A long, slender neck opened into broad shoulders. His tall, average figure leaned against long arms supported by broad hands pressed against the wall.
?I will give you anything to say you wanna stay, you want me too; say you’ll never die you’ll always haunt me; I wanna know I belong to you; say you’ll haunt me…?

“Scarlet, we’ve been friends for almost 15 years. I can’t keep you in the dark any longer. For the entire time I’ve known you, you’ve made me fall in love with you over and over again. And dammit I can’t stand it any longer!” Jason growled the last words and stepped closer to me, breathing heavily.

Suddenly, Jason leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, startling me. My eyes opened wide and my body stiffened. Slowly I relaxed into his warm and gentle embrace and my eyelids fluttered shut.
?Together, together, we’ll be together; together forever; I belong to you…?

After a moment, Jason pulled away, keeping his face still close to mine and resting our foreheads together.

“I…Jason, I…” I stuttered, still considerably in shock. Jason’s eyes fell and he started to pull completely away before I caught him in another kiss.

“Jason, I love you too,” I whispered quietly, nuzzling my cheek against his. As I said that, his shadowed eyes lit back up in the darkness of the room.
?Little supernovas in my head, little soft pulses in my dead; little souvenirs and secrets shared; little off guard and unprepared…?

“Really?” he questioned, almost too inaudibly for me to hear. Even in the dark, I could see he was nervous, given away solely by him biting his bottom lip.

“Have I ever lied to you?” I replied, smiling widely. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him as tightly as I could. Throwing his arms around my waist, he buried his face in my neck and shook his head.

“Be mine,” he whispered gently in my ear, his warm breath tickling my lobe.

“Forever and always,” was all I could think to say.
?I will give you everything to say you wanna stay, you want me too; say you’ll never die, you’ll always haunt me; I wanna know I belong to you; say you’ll haunt me…?

The author's comments:
I was inspired for this piece by a song entitled "Say You'll Haunt Me" by Stone Sour. The song was written soon after the lead singer's wife died as a dedication to her. The love he expressed in the song ultimately created a strong desire to turn this song into a short romance. I hope that you will like this piece, and I hope you will always feel loved!

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