City of Glass | Teen Ink

City of Glass

February 3, 2012
By Lola123 BRONZE, Kelowna, District Of Columbia
Lola123 BRONZE, Kelowna, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Giddy up cowgirl!!! LOL

This book City of Glass is a great book for all people who like romance, action, and adventure. There is, a lot, of things that are, said that would not be appropriate for kids under the age of 10 years old.

This book makes you want to be apart, of that world. As the author creates an incredible world in the events of 1932, he will astound, and maybe horrify you, challenging your deepest beliefs. Once you start, you can’t, stop reading City of Glass. I would recommend this book to anyone. I love this book because of all the conflict. I was informed and was sad when reading City of Glass. At times, I enjoyed this book and at other’s I, cried.

The author’s, writing style makes you want to glue your hand’s to the book. Cassandra is a great author because she makes the characters seem real. She makes you feel as if you are in the situation with the characters. This book was extremely well written and engages the audience emotionally. She touches your heart and makes think about real life. The author has a writing style that is rich in detailed descriptions of the settings.

This book includes the most amazing conclusion. Every word leaves you hanging and hungry for more. The author keeps you entertained the entire way with new info that keeps on revealing.

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