close call | Teen Ink

close call

November 2, 2012
By kylewstevens95 BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
kylewstevens95 BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Close call…
Spencer Stevens was the manager of a steakhouse in Myrtle Beach called thorneys. The restaurant was a grade A steakhouse with expensive meals and perfect service. Spencer was making money left and right with paychecks coming in ranging from $3,000 to $5000 every paycheck. Spencer dated one of the prettiest girls in Myrtle Beach named Sylvia. A girl who was a junior in college and studied radiology. With November coming up and it being their two year anniversary, Spencer decided to take Sylvia to see her favorite band live in concert after eating a nice free steak dinner at thorneys for the anniversary. Little did Sylvia know that Spencer just went to the jewelry store to buy an engagement ring to take their relationship to the next level. After the big meal Spencer took her to warped tour; a band concert with dozens of different bands. While at the concert the couple jammed and had the time of their life. Spencer being the nervous person he was went to the bathroom and thought on how he was going to propose. While in the bathroom he reached in his pocket and didn’t have the ring he spent thousands on. He panicked, took off his pants and individually checked every pocket but had no ring. He checked his string back hoping he misplaced it in their but there was no hope the ring was gone. He felt like a kid on Christmas with no presents; broken. He prepared for this occasion for so long. Thought about it going to sleep and on his way to work every morning. Spencer was broken. He walked back to Sylvia and she noticed he was looking down but didn’t want to ask him why. They continued to dance and enjoy their evening at the concert. After a long day Spencer took Sylvia home and told her what he planned and why he was hanging his head at the concert. Little did he know that Sylvia found the ring on the ground while they were dancing and picked it up thinking it was just dropped by someone else. Spencer’s face lit up, he dropped to one knee, took the ring and hit her with that question. She dropped tears and said yes and he had the best day of his life. Spencer and Sylvia went on to live their life together having two children. They lived happily ever after.

Words: 405
Number: 4

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