Like A Ghost | Teen Ink

Like A Ghost

December 9, 2012
By Jessi.Bearr1 BRONZE, Ankeny, Iowa
Jessi.Bearr1 BRONZE, Ankeny, Iowa
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Like a ghost she walks the halls, dead to everyone around her, footsteps as loud as a whisper, her skin pale and cold, eyes as blue as ice, hair fine as silk and dark as the midnight sky. She waits for the day when she won't be so lost. This is how he left her-broken, heart-beaten, and shattered- nothing left but fragile little pieces that she swept up and locked safely away in a small cardboard box. Her tears are what put her to sleep every night. The memories replay in her mind like a broken record, but her thoughts never skip over a single moment of her once well known happiness. The one thing that used to make her smile now brings nightmares to her ever restless sleep. She's withered, shriveled up in a corner, left lost to ask herself repeatedly, "What did I do wrong?" She did nothing wrong at all, but little does she believe that. She feels as though all her mistakes did her wrong. She wishes she could take it all back. How he let her go, she'll never understand. She doesn't even understand her purpose anymore, wondering why she's still here. Pain has overcome all of her other feelings; she's numb, lost, alone, afraid...betrayed. He meant the world to her, and she lost it all, a dream blown away like dust. She cries out for someone to save her. Although she thinks no one hears, someone has.
He watches her...with a close eye on something he finds so beautiful; he sees no flaws. He loves her, but she doesn't know. He tried hard to make her pain go away; he doesn't think he has. What he doesn't know is behind all her tears, he is the only one healing all the pain inside her. He makes it all disappear, but she tries hard not to show it. He's the only one who makes her world spin, even just a little bit, bringing her back down to earth. When he's away, everything, all the pain and tears, falls right back into place. In a way, it kills her a little bit more. She drowns in his eyes; whatever he says goes, she's so lost in him. In some ways she wishes she could stop what she feels. She doesn't want herself in another position to be torn, but she can't help it, even if she tries. Her heart stops when he looks at her, the only reason she puts down her walls. Things start to look better for her until one day her secret wonder world comes crashing down on her. He says he doesn't want her, he wants someone else because she's to scared to speak up. The words shot her like bullets. Her pulse seems like it came to a stop. Her breath shortens and tears fill her icey blue eyes. Her body goes numb; the thought of him being with someone else cuts her like a nice, sharp razor. Once again, she finds herself asking what is wrong with her and why is she always getting hurt like this. She thought he loved her; she thought he cared. He still takes the time to stop and talk to her; he tries over and over to reassure her that he still loves her. She doesn't believe it on the outside, but her heart will always fall weak to his words. Her heart can't help but believe him; she loves him way too much. He tells her that they'll be together one day.
As much as her heart is breaking, it is still beating with the love she still feels is there. She tries to make believe it doesn't hurt, but that makes it worse. Sometimes it's unbearable, but she takes it day by day. She tries not to be so hurt and upset when he's around her; shes doesn't want to make him feel badly for something that isn't his fault. Tears still show their unwanted faces, but she's slowly learning not to mind them. She stares at her blank walls, reminising of all their good times together. Wanting it all back, she knows the future is never promised. She waits, her heart hanging by a thread.
She writes what her heart is saying to her; it soothes the pain of the hurt, the lies, the shattered heart, temporarily. Its almost as though her heart lives in the paper, like she spills her heart on the pages. As hollow kisses turn to dus and fall against her skin, she prays that she may find the strength to fall in love again. Abandoned innocence, stripped away, lies discarded on the floor. In the dirt, she buries all hope that love leaves unlocked doors. She is held, though never cherished, and yet to be made whole again. Her tears can wipe themselves away, but she must save her own soul. She's so confused. Why can't things just work out for her? She loves him with every ounce of blood running through her scarred veins. What's a girl to do when he's all she wants?
The two talk just about everyday. He stops to give her hugs in the halls. The warmth of being in his arms makes her want to never let go. He kisses her forehead gently, tells her he loves her, and walks away. The warmth of being in his arms makes her want to never let go. This is always the highlight to her day. Yet it is the only highlight. Everything else just makes it a typical, boring, and slow day. She begins to think that maybe life can settle down. Then again, she could be wrong. As usual, she doesn't see it coming. He tells her she's smothering him; he wants her to leave him alone. She doesn't know how wanting to be around someone she loves so much is so wrong. She feels stupid, like she screwed up, which isn't anything new to her. Nothing makes sense; it's all so backwards. Wrong is right and right is wrong. Pain starts and the heart bleeds through the tears, just like love starts with a kiss and ends with a tear-always. She's always taken for the fool, though she should have seen it comong. She doesn't blame him for the pain; she blames herself for being so stupid. She knows she should've never started to let anyone into her heart. But something inside her mind made her believe something she should've known was a lie. She was blinded by the smiles, the laughs, all the "I love yous." Now she pays for it all. Love will never make any sense to her. It always treats her the same. Light turns to darkness. Nothing inside her lives anymore; she sees no reflection, only a ghost, a ghost that shows what a badly broken heart does to someone. She lets herself slowly slip and fade away. Her heart remains a nightmare of a mess with no one to pick up the pieces.

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