New Girl | Teen Ink

New Girl

December 11, 2012
By Kasey Hobart BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Kasey Hobart BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

New faces. New people. New Girl. New school. All over again.
Summer was way too familiar with this process of entering a new school and getting “the look” from other students. Hearing the typical judegmental whispers “Who’s she?” or “Have you seen the new girl yet?” and her personal favorite “She looks like a total brat.” Not this time though, Summer is not going to let her senior year be ruined by lack of self-confidence and judegmental kids; this year, she’s going to make it count.
As Summer walked through the doors of Ridgemond Field High for the first time, she braced herself for the looks, and met curious eyes with a smile. She walked with confidence to her seat in advanced trigonometry, making sure to smile at anyone she made eye contact with.
“Hi, I’m Summer” She said to a friendly looking blonde. “Hey my name’s Katie, is this your first day?” replied the blonde. “Yeah! It seems really nice so far, and not mention all the cute guys” summer said in a laughing tone. “Oh trust me once you get to know them they really aren’t that cute” Katie said. “Sounds like something I might have to find out for myself” glancing over at a lanky, boyish cute brunette over in the back of the room.
Her next class was physics, her worst subject, and the kid beside her was a ‘haven’t showered in two days’ smelly, way overly friendly and breath all over you kind of guy. While trying to avoid any kind of contact with this kid, she was looking around the room and just so happened to spot the same boyish cute brunette from her last class, as they made eye contact he gave her an adorable smile, which she smiled back at of course.
“You know the seat next to me is open if you wanna come sit over there, I’m Jake by the way” the cute guy from trig said just when Summer was getting ready to strangle the kid next to her. “That sounds like a great idea right now, I’m Summer” she said with a warm smile. “So what brings you here to the lovely town of Ridgemond?” Jake asked with an intriguing look in his eye. “Well my dad got a job promotion one day, we were packing up our house the next day and within 3 weeks we were gone” Summer replied. “Wow. Sounds kind of hectic to me” Jake said. “Oh you have no idea! But so far I think I’m gonna like it here” Summer said with a bit of a flirtatious laugh while eyeing Jake. “Hmm we’ll see about that” Jake replied with a smile and warm look in his eyes.
As the day continued on, it just kept on getting better and better for Summer; she ended up having a total of 5 classes including lunch with Jake and everyone at Ridgemond Field High is so friendly, this being positive stuff is really working!
“So as a tradition, every first Monday each month the school puts on “A Movie On the Field” it’s where they set up a big screen and play some movie down on the football field, you should totally come tonight” Jake told Summer while they were watching a boring film over the history of potatoes. “Hmm it sounds fun!” she replied, “I guess I’ll come, as long as I get to sit with you” she said giving Jake a little wink. “Well of course! Who else would better teach you all the Ridgemond Field traditions and secrets other than me?” he said with a fake applaud attitude.
When Summer got home she told her mom all about her first day, mentioning that she already has made some new friends and was invited to come to the “Movie On the Field” that night, which her mom instantly said yes to.
After showering and making sure she looked cute for the night, she made her way back over to the high school where she found Jake. “You sure clean up nicely” Jake complimented, giving her a full body check, which she gladly accepted. “You don’t do such a shabby job either” Summer laughed giving Jakes arm a playful nudge. “So what’s the movie they’re showing tonight?” Summer asked. “Some comedy called The Unlucky One, I’m not entirely sure what it’s about, but supposedly it’s crazy funny” Jake said as they made their way across the field to find a place to sit among the other students. Summer smiled at a few other kids she recognized from earlier in the day.
The lights went off and the movie screen lit up, realizing a few exited hollers from several kids. “I sure hope this movie is as good as everyone has said!” Summer said to Jake. And it was. Half way through to movie she glanced up at Jake admiring how cute he is, when Jake looked down at Summer and smiled the warmest smile.
After the movie and saying goodbye to several kids, they both walked back to Summer’s car; once they reached the car she turned around to say goodbye, being taken aback by close he was to her. “I’m really glad you came tonight” Jake told her. “Yeah me too, it really was a super funny movie” she said as her heart started to beat faster as came even closer to her, brushing a piece of hair out of her face. “And I really hope you like it here” Jake said as he inched his face closer to hers. She stood completely still, as if she was afraid to move in fear of running from what was about to happen, his lips reached hers with the softest of touch, lingering there for only a few moments.”
“Oh yea, I definitely think I’m going to like it here” Summer said softly, smiling as he kissed her once more.

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