The start | Teen Ink

The start

December 13, 2012
By Flgatorchick BRONZE, Satellite Beach, Florida
Flgatorchick BRONZE, Satellite Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

?It was a dark and eerie halloween night when Emma and her friends Jackie and Darcy, went out trick-or-treating. Emma was dressed as tinkerbell she had the long straight blond hair and the slim figure to pull off the costum. Darcy had gone as a witch this year, although she was far to pretty to be considered a witch! Jackie, was a vampire, she had the perfect pale skin to match her costum idea!  The girls did get some strange looks from the older folk because they were 17 and trick-or-treating, but that didn’t stop them! The night had been going successfully, they were getting all sorts of their favorite candies like, Kit-Kat, Snickers, Crunch bars, Twix and so many others! As the girls were walking down the street and talking amicably on their way to the next house when Emma started to get a weird feeling almost as if someone was watching her. She turned and looked around but she didn't  see anything out of the ordinary she saw a bunch of kids dressed up going to gt their candy but nothing suspicious. She walked up to the house and she got the strange feeling again so she turned around quickly and looked at the old Mclleran house, that's when she noticed the for sale sign was gone. She stopped moving so suddenly her friends ran right into her. " hey Darc and Jac did you know that the old Mclleran house was bought!?" ?"there's no way who would by that dump no one has lived in there for ages!" ?" the sign is gone! Someone must have bought it" exclaimed Jackie!  While the girls were talking Emma got the funny feeling again she turned and looked at the old Mclleran house and she made eye contact with the most stunning green eyes shed ever seen. The pair of eyes were a light green with gold flecks in them, and they stole Emma s breathe away. She quickly turned around to catch the end of the girls conversation. Darcy , Jackie and Emma finished making their yearly rounds and they went back to Darcy's house to compare candy and watch scary movies. As Emma was laying down to go to bed all she could think about were those eyes she  still couldn't believe how pretty they had been, she was hoping this boy would be at school the next day. The next day Emma was anxious to get to school she rushed through her morning routine and practically sprintedm to school. She went front class to class each one getting more and more disappointing because she hadn't come across him yet. Then in her 5th period class just as the late bell rang the a boy came into her class and the first thing she did was look at his eyes, she became so excited because it was the boy she saw on Halloween. "come on Emma seriously keep your cool he's just a regular guy. Who is from the planet of hotties!" oh lord maybe this isn't a good thing her mind was already crazy he would just make it worse! And the bad part was there were only 2 seats open in class and one was right behind emma.  Which of course was the seat he chose.  ?"Hi I'm Craig I just moved here from Australia" 
 ?"hi I'm Emma I haven't just moved here, I have always lived here, it's a pretty cool little town I mean if you like that sorta thing. " oh my gosh Emma thought way to keep your cool you loser!   ?"I know You caught me looking at you and I don't know if you felt that instant connection to, so I wanted to know if I could take you to the winter ball..." Emma turned around and stared this kid in the face she was very red at this point and she says to Craig " I must be going crazy because you asked me to the dance and told me you felt a connection..." Craig had a huge girl on his face when he asked " so I'm taking that as a yes? Okay good. I will be at your house at 7pm on Friday! Be ready!" 

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