I Was Lost In His Eyes | Teen Ink

I Was Lost In His Eyes

December 17, 2012
By ashhat BRONZE, Woodland Park, Colorado
ashhat BRONZE, Woodland Park, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was the first day of my freshman year and God only knew what the future had in store. This day was too important to blow off because this day would either make or break my entire high school career. I knew I had it in the bag though; I was in band, I was smart, and I had a great personality to boot. Who wouldn’t like me?

On my way to school, all hell broke loose. To say the least, I was scared to death. With sweaty palms and butterfly infested stomach, knew I had to pull it together. I skipped into that high school like I owned the place, until I realized didn't’t. I gazed at my idol, she was a junior, she was cheer captain, and her boyfriend was the bee’s knees, the football quarter back, and so clean cut. Needless to say, I loved him to death.

Who knows why, but I decided to grow a pair and walk up and say hello to this handsome hunk. I will never forget that day. To make a long story short, the cheer captain, went out of her way to make my life miserable. I was officially on the top of her list. This happened for about three months and throughout this time quarterback went out of his way to make sure my feelings were okay. He was a perfect gentleman to me besides the fact that he was dating the devil herself. Not soon after, when I was about to have to throw this cheerleader to the ground and knock some sense into her, the unspeakable happened.

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a Friday night, homecoming actually, and I was marching my heart out during half time putting on an amazing show for the crowd. Of course after the band, the cheerleaders would do nothing, steal the show, and get a way better applause. Anyways, the cheerleaders did their thing and it was time to announce would have won homecoming royalty. Bummed out, I knew that captain girl would win and I was praying that my man, the quarter back would win too. She was being more of a drama queen than usual and I guess my man was fed up. Let’s just say, they aren’t dating anymore and everyone who happened to be there homecoming night saw the break up go down.

I was overjoyed, nothing could bring me down. My man was single and I was ready to mingle but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be standing here tonight telling you this story in my homecoming dress waiting for whom else but the quarterback to pick me up for the dance tonight! I know right? Crazy. My mom always told me that the good will win in the end but I never believed her.

Now don’t ask me what happened to poor cheer captain, last I heard she was stuck with Sam who plays the tuba. Hours upon hours, days upon days of taking her crap and now she has finally been hit by the karma bus. Well anyways, I’m going to get swept off my feet and enjoy my evening like its 2012. Hopedlly this isn’t a dream because reality will really hurt after this.

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