My Little Reminder | Teen Ink

My Little Reminder

December 12, 2012
By LiveForYou BRONZE, South Euclid, Ohio
LiveForYou BRONZE, South Euclid, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Rise and Rise again until lambs become lions." "Humani nihil a me alienum puto."

As words flash through my head and into my soul, he pulls me in. I try to resist, but he is too much. God has given me strength, but in this instance he is telling me not to use it. "Be free." He says in my head. Letting things happen, is something that is foreign to me. How will I let go especially to the creature that roams earth that I hate the most, man. His eyes are true, but can't eyes lie. Can't they deceive and pull you in only to let the man's true intentions throw you away. Where am I? Am I here or is this a dream? His touch is as soft as a newborn child, but so is a tear. I cannot help but to want him. He is not the first man to show interest in me, but he is the most genuine. He talks to me as if I am human and not an animal he wishes to tame. His words are slow and kind in my ear. His laugh makes me smile and I giggle along with him. I am the only one who thinks he is truly contagious. When he whispered that he loved me, my chains broke. The chains that guarded my heart flew away. All I felt was hope. There it was staring me in the face, and it changed me. Love stared me in the face. Now I had to respond. Then to love I give love. I give my heart in full. Only to find that he is more than what I hoped. Much more than what I only dreamed of. He was my prince, my charming prince. The one person who saw through me. He made me cry when he knelt before me. He was like a knight who pledged to protect me forever. My prince was a grand knight. Even when that night did occur. My charming prince became my dead charming prince. My knight was gone, and night came over me. I could not cry, I could only weep. My heart was light and gone. It arose from me and drifted towards heaven to be with my love, but I was still here. Here left to continue, waiting for the day I would get to hold him. I will hold him someday. As I now live without him physically everyday. Left with the small reminder with a heart. A smile just like his father's and a heart like his too. My little reminder. My wonderful little reminder.

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