The Attention Seeker | Teen Ink

The Attention Seeker

January 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Megan as a little girl wasn’t the funniest, good looking, or richest. As a young kid she was called all kinds of names such as “ugly duckling” and “brace face”. She was always the butt” of every bodies joke. People never wanted to hang out with her because she always smelt kind of rotten and wasn’t the coolest person around. All throughout her life she was teased and called names. However she was a strong individual and never really played attention to the people around her, she kept all her feelings to herself which kind of saved her through her kid and teenage years. Growing in up bad part in Chicago, Illinois being the only child in the family being raised by a single parent was hard for Megan. Having a cousin she knew since she was born was her only and best friend. She was very lonely as a kid never really talked to her mom who was strung out on cocaine and always running the streets. She basically raised herself until she was age 15, where she moved to Maui, Hawaii to be raised by her grandparents.

17 years old, senior in high school, still, not even a single kiss or a single eye caught. She started constructing herself when she got the chance to work. Megan had her teeth braced which suddenly gave the young lady a little "beauty points". She was able to buy contact lens instead of wearing her old glasses. Megan was able to buy casual clothes and not the hand-me-downs from her elder cousin. In short, she was getting there slowly. Megan slowly gained confidence because people started noticing her.

Starting high school in Hawaii was very different for Megan; she was used to getting called names and people laughing at her every single day of every hour. However she actually matured into a good looking young lady. All of the boys wanted Megan to be a part of their life, most girls hated her because she was so pretty and other girls wouldn’t get much attention from the boys at their school. Megan liked this lot. Never in her whole life has she felt confident in herself. Nobody ever paid attention to Megan her whole life, and if they did it was always to make fun of what she was wearing or what she looked like. Not being used to all the consideration Megan was getting, she was very overwhelmed with excitement and joy. High school became her favorite place over the four years she was there. After all, it was the best four years of her life. Megan was loving life to the fullest and didn’t want anything to change. She was starting to talk to boys and being very comfortable around them. She was also creating new friends such as her best friend since ninth grade named Alice. Alice has been through everything with Megan she knew Megan when she was a “nobody” so to speak. As the years went on though she became very distant from her friend because every day she would come a little bit more popular around the school for being the new kid nobody knew growing up.

However it got kind of old, 20 years old, working her way through college, Megan was really the “big girl on campus” playing softball in high school led her to a Division 1 Scholarship to play for the University of Hawaii. Being beautiful was always a plus for her too. On the contrary this was getting old real quick. Megan was starting to turn into a real player. Using her looks to get everything she wanted. Nobody could blame her knowing the background she came from though so she thought nothing of it. However people were starting to notice and starting to not like her. Her name around campus was known as “wolf” because she was seeking prey everywhere she went. She thought she had everybody wrapped around her little finger. This young lady thought she was untouchable.

Megan goes to the store and all the boys stare at her. She dresses up on purpose because she likes the attention she gets from their perverted eyes. As it starts to pour out rain, she is noticing that boys are coming up to her offering her to carry her groceries and holding an umbrella over her head. She thinks it’s kind of creepy that random strangers are offering to help her just on what she looks like. She drops stuff on purpose because she knows men will help her out especially on a cold rainy day like this. Even some of the males use their little brothers or kid to try to “run game” on her, which she thinks is sad. However she loves kids and can’t not speak to them because Megan thinks there so cute. Megan also looks at her surroundings and notices a man that she is attracted to and he is a clean cut and he is walking her way. Based on what the other guys do she expects the guy to try and talk to her but that’s not the case, he shows a smirk and keeps walking into the store. She turns back and creeps on him a little and she then finds out he is the manager of the store. Turns out she likes men that takes charge. For some odd reason the guy run’s out of the store and get’s into his car really quick, Megan thinks nothing of it and keeps her head down as the rain is pouring on her. Moments later she hears a loud “bang!” The results of the sound turn out to be that the manager hit her car and is now very mad at this point. For some reason she thanks god for letting this happen, which is a weird act. Having all these emotions bottled up about a guy she doesn’t know whatsoever. She finally gets to talk to him as she approaches the handsome strangers she is nervous for the first time in her life.
Male:” I am very sorry ma’am! I was in a rush a wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings”
Megan is speechless not concerning about her car whatsoever. Like a movie she is not taking in nothing he is saying and is ignoring his voice. All she see’s is his handsome face.
Male: “Ma’am are you okay?!.. It’s pouring out rain out here lets go inside and talk about this”
Megan is still speechless and won’t answer the kind man back. She finally get’s out of her little funk and get courage to speak to him. While acting like she is very mad she hopes to get the man to ask her out on a date to re-pay her to what he has done.
Megan: “Are you serious?! This is a brand new car”
Hoping the next words out his mouth are” I’m really sorry, after this, how else can I make it up to you?”
Today was her lucky day you can say. This was a start to a new beginning.

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