Dear Boy | Teen Ink

Dear Boy

February 23, 2013
By Anonymous

Dear Boy,
I'm so glad that we met each other. Without you, I'm not sure what I would be. Just another pretty face I guess. Ahah. Yeah right. But see, that's what makes you awesome. I can say that all I want but you won't let me believe it. Even if I was telling myself the truth, you could convince me that I was lying to myself and that whatever you believed was the right answer. You wouldn't do that to me though, because you tell me that you will never lie to me, and I believe you.
If I didn't have you, then I'm pretty sure I would be slowly drifting towards the wrong things. Not like drugs and alcohol and sex and stuff. But stuff like trying to fit in with everybody else, and trying to make myself "perfect" for everybody else. Tight jeans, revealing shirts and showy pants. But you made me realize that those aren't really my thing. I'm more of a comfort-seeking girl, as you know, and you tell me that it's fine with you. After all, you don't find second-skin jeans and see-through shirts attractive. That works for me.
You always make it known that you want the best for me. And the best for me might include you stepping in and shielding me from the "bad" parts of our school and world. When boys who aren't so classy and good talk to me in the hall, you don't hesitate to step in front of me and tell them to back off. You're always there to calm me down when I get angry, and that makes me feel safe. You protect me, and in turn, I protect you. I protect you from your temper when it flares up. I'm not afraid to admit that I've had to snatch your arm more than once to save someone's face from being rearranged. But, most importantly, I protect you from my fears. I guess that's really more of protecting myself... But it's good for you too, I promise. All those girls that are chasing after you? No. They're not good.
Whenever my self-consciousness acts up, you're always there. You can tell one-hundred percent of the time when I'm not happy, or my usual self. All you have to do is give me a look and it all comes out. Everything that is bothering me spills out of my mouth and you listen to every word of it. I know that it's probably boring and confusing and you hate listening to it, but I really appreciate the Don't-worry-I'm-comprehending-everything-you-say face you put on when I vent to you. And once I finish you always give me that reassuring hug that tells me that everything is going to be alright and I believe you, like always. Then you'll lean your head against mine and tell me that you love me and that you'll always be there for me.
Mostly though, my dear, I think you're the kindest, sweetest, most accepting person I know. You don't criticize me behind my back or to my face like most people. I never have to doubt that you like me for exactly who I am and what I like to do. You don't mind that I'm constantly busy with my sports and homework, just as long as I can talk to you in-between. I know how much you love to be with me because I can see it in your eyes and your smile when you talk to me. It makes me feel wanted, and that's all I need.
I love you.
Love, Me.

The author's comments:
Just a little something dedicated to my amazing boyfriend who, obviously, is constantly there for me.

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