Hiding From Love | Teen Ink

Hiding From Love

February 26, 2013
By Anonymous

She never wanted love. Love was the last thing she wanted. She tried to block love out of her mind, heart, and soul. She pushed away at every boy who came anywhere close to talking to her. She focused on anything but love.

But love was inevitable. It was out there, searching for her, calling her name. Still, she hid from love, burying herself in the smallest crevices, only to be away from this little, scary feeling that enveloped so many others.

But love would find a way to her. It would search in the darkest holes, the most closed off spot. And slowly, slowly she would start to let go and give up, not able to fight off the feeling she’d avoided with expert skill for years. Then love would find her.

Was the love requited? Was it lovely? Was it hopeful and spontaneous? As love turned the corner and flashed the light into her eyes, she knew. There was no turning back. Love was here to stay.

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