Lovely Spring Morning | Teen Ink

Lovely Spring Morning

February 27, 2013
By Anonymous

The new day revealed itself as a brightly colored morning sky as a man in his late twenties stared on, his gaze fixated on the clouds that would disappear with the entrance of the sun. He never thought a day like this would come for a man as cold and quiet as him, and yet here he stood inside of the colorful blooms that filled the beautiful garden where he first encountered her. The love of his life. His slender fingers gently caressed a pink blossom, its delicate petals reminding him of her, the woman he loved more than anything, and it drew a rare smile from his lips.
He could still recall that morning from two years ago to the day. As usual, he was brooding over a business deal gone bad, and in his current state, he took a detour through the park outside his apartment complex, never realizing that the simple change in his direction would alter his life completely.
The woman was absolutely beautiful, sitting on a bench in the meadow, surrounded by flowers, her rather long blonde hair shining beneath the sun's powerful rays. He was instantly captivated by the sight of her, since she was like a living goddess, and the sight slowed his steps until he was at a complete stop. With a need to know this woman, he found himself walking toward her, confident for once in his personal life. Perhaps it was the determination in his stride that alerted her to him, but when she lifted her gaze from the book she was reading, he was immediately lost in her eyes. They were shockingly purple, with a tint of blue, and he could sense her friendliness in them.
He breathed a sigh as her image formed in his mind, her grace like no other he had ever known before. Some would say that they were too different personality wise to find love in one another, and to that he scoffed. She complimented him in every way. It was their contrasts that drew them together, sticking to them like glue. The sound of her voice gave him strength and hope, and there would never be another for him, not as long as his body drew breath. He didn't want another, only her, until the day he died. What meaning did his life now have without her? None whatsoever, as far as he was concerned. And he was more than fine with that, anyway.
The sound of gentle rustling caught his attention and his heart filled with emotions he rarely displayed. The scent of her subtle perfume was carried in the wind, and with that a sense of happiness that would only be doubled with the swell of her stomach as she blessed him with their first child.
Turning around to face her, the man allowed his dark brown eyes to take her in, his kind and tiny woman he cared so much for. He cared so much it hurt him in ways no one could imagine, but the pain was tolerable and non-existent when she was near him.
The plain, flowing white dress she wore and the simple bouquet she carried could be considered not beautiful enough for her, but to him, she was like a queen. "With you around the most exquisite and gorgeous flowers, you're still the most beautiful thing on Earth, Brooklyn."
The most innocent of pink blushes tinted her pale, perfect cheeks and she looked up at him happily. "I love you and only you, Daniel."
Her fiance offered her his hand, and together, they walked towards the river where their families were waiting to celebrate their wedding. But the couple paused and looked back, both with a silent promise that they would never forget the place where they first fell in love on one lovely spring morning.

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