Don't Run | Teen Ink

Don't Run

April 8, 2013
By Hannaagracee BRONZE, Dos Palos, California
Hannaagracee BRONZE, Dos Palos, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Wrists are for bracelets, not for cutting"- Kellin Quinn

"Bus 3A to Atlanta, now boarding. Bus 3A, now

boarding." Said the loudspeaker. Drew stood up and

picked up her bag. She took a deep breath. This was

it, no turning back. When she stepped on that bus, she

wouldn't look back, she'd never come back here.

Never come back to her family, never come back to

her friends, never come back to him. She would never

look back, so she didn't. She held her head high and

walked confidently to the bus. Her Dr. Marten's clicking

as she walked on the concrete. She got in line behind

a little old lady with powder white hair and a blue

pantsuit. The woman turned around and smiled. "Did

you drop that sweetie?" she asked. Drew looked down

and saw that she had indeed dropped something, a

picture of him. It must have fallen out of her bag when

she had walked to the bus. She leaned down and

picked it up. "Thank you." She told the woman, not

looking up from the picture in her hands. She studied

it. His green eyes that sparkled whenever he smiled at

her, yet had teared up when she had found out. His

messy black hair, that he never brushed, had been

brushed when he had apologized. That Captain

America t-shirt, his favorite. His sly smile he had for

everyone else and the grin he had for her. It was if

everything about him whispered quietly to a part of her

deep down. And she knew, somewhere deep down,

she was still very much in love with him. More in love

with him than she'd ever been. She smiled at the

picture for the first time in a week. For the first time

since the fight. A voice startled her out of her daze, it

was the old lady in front of her. "Are you running to

love? Or from love?" she asked. Drew blushed, "From

it." The woman smiled kindly, "Take it from someone

who knows, don't ever run from love, it will always find

you." And with that, the lady boarded the bus, leaving

Drew standing there. "Last call lady" Said the driver,

"you goin or not?" Drew's mind raced, "I...uh....I" the

driver's foot tapped, "Got a schedule to keep ma'm."

She wiped a tear from her eye and started to step up,

but a voice stopped her. "Drew!" she knew that voice.

Turning she saw him. He stood 10 feet away, calling

her name, a desperate look on his face. Her world

stopped. She threw her bag on the concrete and ran

as fast as her feet could take her. To him. He grinned

at the sight. She ran right into his arms. He held her

tight and stroked her hair. "Drew...I'm so sorry. I love

you." Drew looked up, "Shut up and kiss me." And that

is exactly what he did.

The author's comments:
Just a little short story that I wrote a while back. Review and comment please!

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