3 Days | Teen Ink

3 Days

April 30, 2013
By Anonymous

I had 3 days to live, I know for sure now.
I was at Szechuan right around the block from my house with my wife. We had just gotten married 5 months ago but everything already seemed like normal routine, I didn’t think it would happen so sudden that we already were getting bored of each other’s company. I don’t know how I could possibly think that chicken fried rice could help this but I was willing to try it because in my mind I loved her, this is when I was starting to believe that it wasn’t us who were soul mates, it was me and her the whole time. When the bill came and I was about to tell her that I couldn’t do this anymore we got fortune cookies, I slid mine into my pocket thinking I might get hungry, considering I’ll most likely have to sleep on my parents couch tonight. I told her and after that I realized why I loved her in the first place. She didn’t throw food at me, she didn’t slap me in the face, she didn’t yell in my face, she kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear “go find her.” I went home that night and looked her up to find her, this is when I found out.

I had a bit of a sweet-tooth and searched my pocket for the fortune cookie I stashed in there from earlier. I took a bite and looked at my fortune, “You have limited time, your clock is ticking.” My lucky number was 36 except instead of having others with it, it just said, “36, 36, 36, 36, and 36.” I kinda got freaked out for a second but I thought it was just supposed to scare me. I just had this urgent feeling though that I needed to find her before it was too late. She was in Oklahoma, Achille Oklahoma. I packed my bags and got in my car right away. I drove all night that night. I didn’t think anything would stop me but everyone has to sleep. I stopped at the nearest motel 8 at 4 in the morning, and slept till 12 am the next day. When I got on the road I noticed something really weird, all the billboards would have something about 3 days on them, “Get two days worth of rooms get your third day free! Get 3 day delivery on any package! Three day payment on your next window repair!” It was really weird but I kept on driving. I was then in Lincoln Nebraska, 9 hours away from the love of my life, I started to get goose bumps all over. I drove the rest of the day until I just made it to Kansas. I was so close the suspense was killing me, but I had to sleep. I woke up at 6:30 to get an early start. I was really aiming to get all the way to Achille today. I had 6 hours so I would be there at just about 1:00. I drove and drove all day until I finally saw the “Welcome to the Great State of Oklahoma!” sign. I was so close to her I could feel it. I arrive in Achille and I stop at a little diner right before I continued looking for her. I look around and I could see her. There she was right in front of me sitting down with her friend! I was in complete shock but when I stood up my legs started to give out. She immediately saw me and came towards me. I was laying there just thinking to myself how unbelievably lucky I was to have her right here on my death bed. I motioned her closer and whispered in her ear,
I love you.
Everything became black.

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