Six Flags Adventure | Teen Ink

Six Flags Adventure

May 18, 2013
By katiem101 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
katiem101 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mom dropped Ashley off at the front entrance to Six Flags. “See you later,” she said while driving off abruptly. Ashley looked up, saw a cute guy, and knew this was going to be a great day. “That will be $40,” the cashier said to Ashley. “Um, here,” Ashley said and passed her the money. Wow she thought, three weeks of babysitting money down the drain. As she entered into the park she had many emotions running through her head. She was excited, scared, and overjoyed.

Ashley looked up and saw “The Ride” which is the Titan, the biggest most thrilling ride in all of Texas! She knew she would not be going on the Titan today. As she passed the Titian, Ashley looked around and noticed many attractive young boys all around her. “All baseball boys to the tent please, all baseball boys to the tent,” the loud speaker said. She saw all the boys around her disperse towards a large tent. Ashley made her way towards the rides. There were so many to choose from. She got in line for the batman. “Hum,” she thought, “maybe someone has texted me.” She took out her cell phone to check if she has any messages from her friend. No messages. Bummed, Ashley looked up to see that the line had moved. Then, out of nowhere, she got a tap on her shoulder. “Excuse me, but your shoe is untied,” said a voice coming behind her. Ashley spun around to find a tall boy with blue eyes and brown curly hair. “Thanks,” Ashley said while leaning down to tie back her shoe. My name is Landon he said with the biggest smile on his face. “Ashley,” she said while looking up at him smiling.

Ashley could feel the redness appear on her cheeks. The two exchanged glances and smiles; instantly they knew they thought each other was good looking. The two start to talk while waiting for the ride. They must have talked for hours, once they got to the front of the line; they knew everything about each other. Ashley got in her seat and buckled her seat belt as Landon sat beside her doing the same. Everyone on the ride is ready to go so the batman takes off uphill. The ride goes up, up, and up, then a loop-to-loop, heading down, and ending with a twist. Both Landon and Ashley were laughing the entire ride. The ride came to a stop, and they walk off.

Ashley started to walk towards the nest ride, Mr. Freeze. All of a sudden she heard heavy footsteps behind her. To her shock, Landon was there smiling. “Yes?” she said in a shy way. He looked into her brown eyes and Saied, “Can I ride with you?” Wow, Ashley was in total shock. Why would a cute boy want to ride rides with me? She quickly answered, “Yes!” The line for Mr. Freeze flew by. Landon got in his seat and offered his hand to assist Ashley to her seat. She smiled and took it as she sat down. They buckled up and were off.

Instead of laughing on this ride, something different happened. Landon put his arm around Ashley. She could feel his warmth on her back and a gentle hand on her shoulder. The ride ended and she looked over at him and saw in his eyes that he liked her. They got off the ride and started walking toward the games. Landon asked Ashley which stuffed animal she wanted and she chose the dog. He won the game and got her the biggest stuffed dog. Ashley was so happy she hugged him. The two stood at the game center hugging for quite a while, when out of nowhere Landon backed off and asked Ashley if she wanted to be his girlfriend. Ashley thought for a moment, “Wow, I really like him, but is this to fast?” She looked back at him and said, “I will think about it,” while winking at him.

They next decided to go watch a play. The play was inside and put on by the people who worked at the theme park. The play started and the lights went out. Landon put his arm around Ashley and she layer her head back on his chest. She decided to put her hand out to see what he did. He gently took hold of her hand and interweaved it with his. The two snuggled up close and watched the play.

As soon as the play was over they were on their way out. Ashley asked Landon if he was hungry, and they got some food. After they ate lunch, Landon took Ashley’s hand and started his way to “The Ride.” She stopped walking and dropped his hand. He ran back to her to comfort her. “I am scared,” she whispered to him. “Do not worry, Ashley, I will protect you,” he said while taking her by the hand. She looked up into his sweet blue eyes and knew he cared about her. They walked hand in hand right up to the line. They started talking more and that helped her not to be afraid. She found out he was a part of the baseball group and that he was here with his teammates for a nearby tournament. The time came for them to go on the ride.

Ashley’s nerves shot back and she told Landon she could not do this. He looked at her with his beautiful blue eyes and said, “Yes, you can,” with a soft smile on his face. Landon stepped into the cart and held out his hand to Ashley. She felt sick, but took his hand and sat in the seat next to him. She could not believe that this boy got her to ride “The Ride.” She took his hand and held it super tight. The ride took less than a minute and it was over. The camera flashed and the ride came to a stop. Landon looked over at Ashley. “You did it!” he exclaimed. You rode the big Titan. Ashley, I am so proud of you! Ashley was still in shock. He helped her out of her seat and they walked to see the picture. Landon looked like he is having a blast; Ashley looked like she has seen a ghost. “Well,” he said, “the park is about to close.” Ashley’s emotions quickly changed as they headed toward the exit. Landon stopped and asked Ashley for her number. They exchanged numbers, and then walked out hand in hand. Ashley looked at her phone and had a text from her mom saying, “I am here, call when you are ready.’’ Ashley told Landon she had to go but that she would text him. He looked into her eyes and smiled and gave her one last hug. Ashley was so excited she had met a new friend and she had conquered her fear of riding the Titan. It had been such a great day. Ashley headed for her car, and when Ashley got in her car her mother asked, “How was Six Flags?” Ashley said, “It was an adventure.”

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