Killer Love | Teen Ink

Killer Love

May 9, 2013
By Anonymous

An eerie creaking sound came from the old wooden chamber door as it slowly opened; gentle footsteps as loud as quiet thunder added to the mysterious atmosphere of the moment. It wasn’t long until the familiar smell of Romane Musk tickled my nose.

Romane Musk was the cologne he always wore. After the first few times I encountered the disgustingly beautiful smell I came to fall in love with it. I came to fall in love with him.

Suddenly the footsteps stopped. It was just like him to walk up behind me and not say a word. He was so close to me that I could feel his burning cold breath as it gently beat on the back of my neck. A shiver shot through me like a hysterical hurricane. It caused me to violently shake. Noticing this, he tenderly caressed my body. His touch was icy warm, and it tamed my calm restlessness.

“Yes?” I asked him curiously. There was a long empty silence between us.

Finally he sighed and soothingly said, “Jus’ wanted to say good morning to the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“Well at least one of us thinks that.”

“Thinks what?” As he said this he slowly let go of body.

“That I’m beautiful.’

“Why don’t you think you’re not beautiful?” Well…There’s a lot of reasons I don’t think I’m beautiful. My thin broad shouldered figure, dull light grey eyes, pale skin, and dusty brown hair is stuff that never has gotten men to chase after me. Yet, he finds me flawless and drop dead gorgeous. I don’t understand it. How could someone as handsome as him find me attractive?

“I jus’ don’t think I’m beautiful, that’s all.”

“But, you are... Zella?”

“That’s my name.” I couldn’t help, but smile when I said this. There was a long mysterious pause. I got a sudden feeling that he wanted to tell me something, but he didn’t.

Without realizing what I was doing, I swiftly twirled on my heels so I was facing him.

What I saw was something I will never forget. This was the first time I ever saw him in such a way. His eyes were a blazing fire red and all his teeth were hideous knife-sharp canines. Seeing him like this was shocking and terrifying. How could the person I love be a monster?

Before I could blink he was gripping my wrists. Immediately, I could feel the circulation in my hands start to weaken. I wanted to pull away, I tried to pull away, but I couldn’t. His grip was too strong and to be honest I deep down I didn’t want him to let go.

“Let go!” I shrieked.
“Let go? Why would I let go? We are having fun, aren’t we, Zella?”
“I said, let go of me!” I tried and tried and tried again to get free. It was no use. Just then, I felt the sharp painful piercing of tiny knives plant themselves into the side of my neck.

Quickly, I shot up, straight, in my bed. I was drowning in a pool of my own sweat. Scared, I put my hand to my neck. No blood; no wound.

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