Love at first site | Teen Ink

Love at first site

June 17, 2013
By Superman.over.everything BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Superman.over.everything BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I am so glad that we met.” Emma said as she held Simon’s hand and they were both gazing into each other’s eyes.They both just meet but had everything in common they could not leave each other’s sight.They were meant for each other. It all started about 3 months ago when Andrea her older sister who had blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes and fair skin. It was a rainy day in Seattle,Washington. “ I am tired of this horrible weather.I hate this it’s NEVER sunny!!!!!” Emma whined as she was cleaning the tables in the “Day in Diner” Her sister Andrea rolled her big brown eyes and faced her sister and said. “Well do you have money to go on vacation?!?” Emma was always in a good mood until her sister Andrea always found a way to ruin her day.Emma took the dirty wet cloth and dropped it with anger into a bin that she had carrying around from table to table. Emma responded “Is there anything that you don’t ruin?!? Huh?!I It was just a thought at first but now that I’m really thinking about it I want to go.” “Well I’m being realistic.Do you have any clue how much money that is going to be spent. If you “do” go then don’t count me in because i'm not going.” Responded Andrea with an attitude towards Emma.” What do you have a lot of work to do? Thats the only thing you seem to worry about. Or is it cause you're lonely? Well we can fix that problem in Paris the city of love.” Emma replied.Emma had Andrea still thinking about what she said.She was really hesitant about if she should go with her step sister. The next week at dinner it was all quite. You can almost hear a pin drop.The only thing you heard was the crunching sound of the broccoli that they had for dinner.It almost seemed that they were trying to avoid each other.You can hear the tapping of the forks on the plate that annoied Andrea.Emma’s mom Elizabeth was trying to break the silence “Soo.... girls are you still planning to go to Paris still?”She said after she was pulling out two boarding passes to Paris,France.Emma’s mouth dropped her face was priceless.She was so excited.She knew that she wouldn't of been able to go to Paris with her Salary and the low tips that she is always getting.She was also in shocked. Andrea knew that Emma’s mom couldn’t afford to buy those tickets.It bugged Andrea a little that her dad had been paying for mostly everything.Right in that moment Andrea’s dad get up an brings out an amazing Calvin Kelin suit case and hands it to Emma.Andrea just kept tapping her plate so annoyed and asked “Why are their two plane tickets?” She said looking at her stepmom. Before her step mom Elizabeth could answer her dad replied with his deep voice “Well emma can’t go alone she is only 18 years old and you're 24 she is your responsibility.” Stated her father in a firm voice. She rolled her eyes as always and she said sarcastically with a cheesy smile “When do we leave?” Across the table was Emma smiling at her.

It was 6:00am the girls were at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport “Last call for flight 287 to Paris,France” said the flight attendant as everyone was boarding the plane.Andrea and Emma had first class tickets. Emma took a glance outside the window and saw the wing of the airplane. She got butterflies in her stomach.It was the first time in a while since she has gone on an airplane.Everyone was getting settled in their seats. The flight attendant came up and down the aisle checking to see if everyone had their seatbelts on.As soon as she moved their was this handsome guy that caught Andrea’s eye. He was two rows ahead of where the both girls were sitting.He had curly light brown hair close to blonde that went to one side He had hazel eyes and red full lips,dimples that would show every time he would laugh with the person next to him. He turned around and smiled at Andrea with his perfect straight teeth. She looked and smiled at him and she began to blush and turned away quickly.

Finally its about time we landed said Emma when they landed in Le Bourget Airport in Paris,France.Andrea and Emma had to rush to get their bags from baggage claim which was a bit of a struggle because they couldn’t read french. They took an airport taxi to their hotel,which was a bit of a dump.But they could barely have time to relax.They put their bags down and left. Their tour guide bus was waiting for them in front of their hotel.They entered the bus and found two seats next to each other. “ I can’t wait to go to the Eiffel Tower.” S Squealed Emma. “ Yea me too.” Exclaimed Andrea still thinking about that Boy on the plane he was always on her mind. It was about a good 45 min drive from the hotel to the eiffel tower.

Then there it was the amazing landmark. It was shocking to see in person the both girls jaws dropped and sprinted out of the bus like a couple of five year olds. They just stood in front of the tower.Then Emma grabbed Andrea's hand then ran towards the tower and Andrea trying to keep up with her.Climbing up those steps felt like climbing up mount Everest.Emma was so eager to go to the stop of the tower.Emma had a tighter grip on Andrea so she wouldn’t lose her in the crowd.They finally reached the top of the tower. It was an astonishing view from where they were standing. “Wow this is truly beautiful.” Pronounced Andrea. Then right to her right there he was again. They handsome boy from the plane. Andrea pulled Emma’s sleeve and said “Look,Look its that cute boy from the plane.” Emma turned and said “Do you like him or something?” she said blushing with a smile on her face. “NOOOO....”she exclaimed blushing. “Go and talk to him girl do your thing. Go and get that boy.” Emma said elbowing Andrea in the arm lightly.As the guy gleamed at her with a smile and his dimples were showing.

He walked towards Andrea and she got butterflies in her stomach.She turned to Emma blushing.”Bonjour mon nom est Simon quel est votre nom belle?” he said with his french accent. “Sorry I don’t understand what you're saying?” she said confused.He repeated it again “Hello my name is Simon what's your name beautiful?” She began to blush her cheeks began to get red.” My name is Andrea she said......” she responded that's how the whole love story began between Andrea and Simon.The rest is history...


The author's comments:
This Piece is really I wish happened in real life.But this is only a fantasy

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