The Struggle | Teen Ink

The Struggle

June 17, 2013
By Vanesax3 BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Vanesax3 BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" I DESTROY my ENEMIES before i make them my FRIENDS "

June 13,2013

Vanessa was going to take a shower she left her phone charging on silent. She was ready to go on a dinner with danny but when she got out the shower she had 10 missed calls and 14 unread messages. They were all from Sergio. Vanessa was surprised that sergio still called her after the break-up. She called back and said “SERGIO!!!STOP Calling but I just wanted to let you know that I didn’t really moved on , but my feelings aren’t going to fade away if you keep on calling me and sending me messages every hour of the day!” Danny then entered the building quietly.

Vanessa lives in a community filled with different religions. Danny was walking up the stairs to the 6th floor to pick up Vanessa but then overheard her talking to Sergio. He rang the doorbell and waited for her to hang up and open. Vanessa told Sergio for the LAST time to stop calling and texting. She opened the door and told Danny she’s ready to go to the dinner with him. She put her phone on vibrate and on top of the table where she was sitting at with Danny. Her phone vibrated a couple of times until it drops to the ground “BAAAAM!!”

Vanessa then picks up her phone from the floor then puts it on the table for this last time it vibrated thinking it was her mom for this last time .But she thought it was her mom checking on her but then she noticed that it Said “ Sergio: I miss you Vanessa. I want the old us back. I love you and you deserve the best of all i’m sorry for breaking your heart!” Vanessa ignored it and decided to block his number because she found herself marrying Danny and she also found herself happier with Danny. Vanessa just had to move on from Sergio because she knew he was the past and she also knew that she couldn’t go back to the same feelings she had for him as before.

But at the same time Vanessa felt bad bad because she also kind of broke his heart into a million of pieces for her to put it back together if she ever wanted him back. But she was sure that she could count on Sergio with anything. Sergio told her that he would NEVER LOVE ANOTHER GIRL LIKE HER. Sergio always came to visit her because he lived in Long Branch. Danny lived in Highland Park very close to where Vanessa lives at. Vanessa and Danny met at Starbucks to get a cold ice coffee. She would have flashbacks when Sergio would drink ice coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Sergio would always think of Vanessa at night and in the morning he would always want to text Vanessa but he noticed that Vanessa had blocked his number.

Years Passed and Vanessa and Danny decided to get Married. Vanessa was actually doing fine without Sergio. She also noticed that Sergio moved on and got married 4 years ago. Until this day Vanessa Thinks about Sergio. The day comes and Vanessa decides to put on that beautiful dress she always wanted to wear. People actually helped her to plan this out. She Gets Married and Danny and Vanessa go on there honeymoon. Vanessa decided to have a First Child at the age of 25. She Had a Job and When the day comes to give labor she had a girl and Named it Jannel. Jannel had Nice Blue eyes as the color of the ocean and she also had Light brown hair the color of her mom's hair.

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