Dennis & Mary | Teen Ink

Dennis & Mary

November 22, 2013
By CBerry24 BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
CBerry24 BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dennis & Mary

Mary sat at the restaurant table growing more and more worried by the second. She didn't know why he wasn't there yet. He always called if he was running late. She began to panic and freak out and then her phone rang. The hospital called Mary to let her know that he had been in an accident and being cared to by the best doctors on duty. Mary instantly dropped the phone and began to cry. She didn't know what to do, she froze in shock. With all the life sucked out of her she rushed out of the restaurant and drove to the hospital as fast as she could but the rain would not let up.

Mary Matthews, a young beautiful blonde woman whose job just transferred her to South Carolina approached her new work building. The MWA building sat on top of a roaring green hill and extended up into the bright blue sky. Mary followed the cement path up to the front doors and slowly walked in to her new working environment.

A young muscular man sat behind his desk gazing out onto the busy work floor through his brand new glasses frame. While panning across the floor Dennis Peterson noticed a beautiful young blonde woman. Her luscious blonde hair flowed graciously down to her shoulders. Her eyes glistened like the North Star. Her gorgeous smile immediately made Dennis spring out of his chair and race towards her.

“Hi, my name is Dennis.”

“Oh, hi, I’m Mary.”

“Are you looking for something or someone?”

“Yes, I just transferred from Texas.”

“Oh so you’ll be working here, that’s amazing.”

Both Dennis and Mary laughed and talked until they were interrupted by the boss of MWA. Mr. Hilter took Mary into his gigantic office and made sure she had everything she needed to start working the next day. It seemed like an eternity to Dennis who waited patiently in his office for Mary to reappear. Mary darted out of the office like a speeding bullet. Dennis chased after her hoping to get to talk to her some more. Mary didn’t slow and reached her car before Dennis could catch her. Dennis stood there in the dust of her car, alone, as she drove away.

Mary saw Dennis through her rearview mirror. She starred at the mirror as long as Dennis was visible. Mary couldn’t believe someone like Dennis would have the same job as her. She couldn’t wait to get the chance to hang out with him. Mary looked forward to going to work the next day.
Dennis thought about that woman he just met all night. He couldn’t get that angelical image out of his head. Her sweet sounding voice echoed through his ear drums like a sweet lullaby. He laid in his bed waiting for the alarm clock to tell him that it is time to go to work so he could see Mary. That is when he knew that he had fallen in love for Mary as soon as his brown eyes locked upon her.

The next day Mary arrived at work first. She couldn’t find Dennis anywhere. She lost her sense of urgency. Mary wanted to talk to Dennis as soon as she got to work. Instead she had to examine paperwork, but that’s when it happened. His muscular yet gentle figure walked through the double doors. Their eyes locked. Without escaping eye contact, they floated to each other.
“Hello, again,” he said with a slight chuckle.

“Hi Dennis,” Mary responded with a smile on her face.

“How are you doing today?”

“Good just wondering what this paperwork means. I’m not used to the terminology you guys use because of my Texas lingo.” Mary let a short laugh.

“That laugh was adorable.” He responded with a smile. “Also if you want some help with that I am more than willing to be your aid. Maybe we could go get some coffee some time?”

“Hmmm. I’ll take you up on that.”


“Yep and since you are not going to ask when we should go right after work,” Mary said with a sarcastic tone.

“Okay ill meet you right here when our shift ends.”

Mary and Dennis sped through their tasks for the day anxiously awaiting their date. Once the clock struck four the date began. They went to the local Dunkin Donuts and ordered cappuccinos.

“Have you ever been to a Dunkin’ Donuts before?” Dennis asked Mary.

“This is my first time,” Mary answered.

Both of them made eye contact and instantly blushed and looked down like teenage love birds.

Dennis interrupted the silence by asking, “So, Mary, do you have anybody …”

“Nope,” Mary interrupted with butterflies in her stomach.”

“Well then we should do this again time.” Dennis threw out there with a nervous tone in his voice.

“I would love to Dennis Peterson!!!” Mary felt a wave of relief and happiness rush through her body.
The two newly daters hugged with excitement knowing what greatness is awaiting them in the future. They walked out the door holding hands to watch the appealing sunset. Once the sun disappeared over the horizon Mary hesitantly said she had to go and left her man after he walked her to her car. Both, Dennis and Mary acted with a new wave of life and danced with joy as soon as they were inside of their houses.
Dennis and Mary continuously saw each other. They went on multiple dates a week never losing the new relationship lust. Dennis even met Mary's mother Monica. The sweet older lady was an older version of Mary. She looked exactly the same except Mary didn't have as many wrinkles on her forehead. Dennis and Mary's mother got along great. Monica even showed Dennis the pearl necklace that she was going to give Mary once she marries. That is when Dennis pulled out his engagement ring to show Monica. With a nod yes she approved of the ring.
On a cold November Friday night Dennis and Mary just finished a hard day of work. They had a reservation at Sweet South Carrol, the finest restaurant in town. Before they could go Dennis had to retreat to his home to get the ring so he could propose to Mary so he told Mary he would meet her at the restaurant as soon as he changed clothes. After they hugged and kissed Dennis drove off. Rain began to fall from the heavens while Dennis was driving back to the restaurant from his apartment. The rain drops blinded Dennis even though the wind shield wipers were on as fast as they could go. Dennis didn't pull over and wait for the flood from above to subside. Instead he drove slowly down the freeway but the same couldn't be said for a beginning truck driver driving on the wrong side of the road due to the blinding rain. Dennis did not see the 18-wheeler until it was too late. At the last second Dennis swerved to the left. The 18-wheeler caught Dennis's rear end. The vehicle spun uncontrollably and began to barrel roll. Glass went everywhere. Parts of the car flew off the vehicle. Dents and concaved body parts left the vehicle totaled, never being able to drive again. The driver of the 18-wheeler sped off into the raining abyss. Luckily a state trooper drove by because he could hear the horrendous accident happen from miles away. He called an ambulance as soon as he saw the torn up car and they got Dennis to the hospital as fast as they could.
Mary sat at the restaurant table growing more and more worried by the second. She didn't know why he wasn't there yet. He always called if he was running late. She began to panic and freak out and then her phone rang. The hospital called Mary to let her know that Dennis had been in an accident and being cared to by the best doctors on duty. Mary instantly dropped the phone and began to cry. She didn't know what to do, she froze in shock. With all the life sucked out of her she rushed out of the restaurant and drove to the hospital as fast as she could but the rain would not let up.

Mary ran through the hospital doors demanding to see Dennis. She had to put up a fight because the initial answer was no due to the condition he was in. Mary wasn’t taking no for an answer though. After 10 minutes of kicking and screaming like a toddler they gave Mary the room number.
Once she entered she became stagnate from the sight of Dennis's mangled body. The giant gashes on his body were bandaged. Each bandage had blood stains seeping through. Bruises were everywhere. The purple and yellow bruises were deep within the tissue. Bones were broken and he was laying in the hospital bed moaning in agony. Mary softly spoke his name.


Dennis didn't respond right away. After a few minutes of nothing but the cardiac machine sounding off Dennis responded, "Mary you're here. You are just the person I wanted to see." A faint smile appeared through all the bruises and cuts.

"Yes, Dennis I am here."

"I am so glad you are here. The pain is already going away thanks to that beautiful face of yours my dear.” After a moment of silence Dennis spoke a faint word, “Look."

Dennis, with his entire mite held up a small box. Mary took the box with care and gently opened it. She gasped. Her eyes lit up like the fourth of July. She kissed Dennis and said, "I will never leave your side, no matter what happens."

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