Love is Hard to Choose | Teen Ink

Love is Hard to Choose

December 8, 2013
By jacquestyles BRONZE, Stockton, California
jacquestyles BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Carlos Simpson is living a famous life of going to concerts and interviews. On Saturday he’s going to perform at a concert with One Direction. On his day off, he goes to his best friend Aaron’s party. There he meets two girls named Angela and Jessica. Carlos says to both girls, “Hi, I’m Carlos nice to meet you,” and he shook their hands.

So during the party Carlos wanted to know Angela better. So they go inside for a drink and sit down on the couch. Then Carlos asks her “So do you have a boyfriend?”

Angela replies “No, I have no time for boys right now, because I have too many things on my mind about school.”

Carlos said, “Well that’s good, but don’t you ever feel lonely?”
“Yeah, sometimes I do feel lonely,” said Angela, “I wish that someone was there to comfort me.”
“Anyway,” said Carlos “What do you like to do when you’re not busy?”
“Hmm…,” said Angela while thinking, “I like to go walk my dog Felix.”
Carlos said, “I like to go to the park when I need to think.”
“That’s why I walk my dog!” said Angela.
“Cool, so what do you like in a boy?” asked Carlos.
“Hold on, I am starting to get the feeling you like me,” said Angela, “Is that true?”
“Why do you think that?” asked Carlos.
Angela replied, “Well I have never had a boy ask so many questions about me.”
“Who am I kidding, I really like you,” said Carlos. “From the moment I saw you, I really liked you.”

“I am so sorry Carlos, but I only have feelings for you as a friend”, said Angela, “I hope you understand.”

Carlos replied, “It’s fine, I understand, you want to finish school first.”

“Thanks for understanding, it’s really hard to say no to a very nice person like you,” said Angela.

Carlos replied, “So can we still be friends?”

“Of course we can,” said Angela. “Just because I said no that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.”

“Good, because as long as I see you I’m okay,” said Carlos.

The next day after the party Carlos went back to Aaron’s house. He went to Aaron’s house so Carlos could give him some advice on how he could break up with Jessica. Hearing this news made him happy, but Carlos wanted to know why Aaron was going to breakup with her. He went inside and waited for Aaron to come down the stairs. Once he came down stairs they sat on the couch.
“I want to break up with Jessica because I like Angela and because it doesn’t feel right to be dating Jessica, while I like someone else,” said Aaron.
Carlos just told Aaron to tell her the truth, instead of lying.

“That’s true I don’t want to hurt her more than I already have,” said Aaron.
“So when are you going to tell her?” asked Carlos.

“I’ll tell her when I see her today at the park,” said Aaron.
“Okay bro,” said Carlos, “I have to go to an interview and perform at Good Afternoon Sacramento in one hour, I’ll see you then.”
Later on in the day Carlos had a really busy day and just wanted to go to the park and relax. When he arrived at the park he saw Jessica crying. Carlos already knew why she was crying, but he pretended he didn’t know why when he went to go talk to her.
When Carlos walked towards her, Carlos said, “Jessica are you okay?”

“Yeah, I am okay,” replied Jessica.
Carlos asked, “So why are you crying?”
With a sad face Jessica said, “Aaron broke up with me because he liked Angela.”
“Well at least he told you the truth, instead of lying,” said Carlos.
“Yeah that’s true,” she said with a little giggle.
“Why are you laughing?” asked Carlos.
“It’s a little bit funny because my other boyfriends always told me lies,” said Jessica.

“I guess he didn’t want to hurt you,” said Carlos.
“Well I am just going to go home and forget about Aaron,” said Jessica.
“You want me to drive you home,” said Carlos impetuously, “It’s going to get dark.”

“Sure, let’s go,” said Jessica.

The next day in the morning he went to go check up on Jessica. Carlos took her out for a stroll in the mall. She felt a little better, but she still looked sad. So they both decided to go out to the movie theaters in the afternoon. So they went home got ready and left. They wanted to watch a movie of comedy, so they got tickets for Pitch Perfect. Once they got inside, Carlos went to go buy popcorn and some drinks. He saw Jessica staring another direction, when he turned around Carlos saw Aaron and Angela together. So he grabbed Jessica and kissed her in front of Aaron and Angela. When Aaron saw them kissing he grabbed Angela and kissed her. When Jessica turned around and saw them, she ran to the restroom crying.

In the restroom she said, “I knew it was a bad idea to come.
“I am never going to forget about Aaron,” said Jessica.

Carlos was waiting for her outside. He was hoping she wasn’t mad at him for what he did. When he came out, she was very confident in what she was going to do.

She told Carlos, “Let’s go have a good time together.”
Carlos was very confused. He thought she was going to be upset. Carlos was very worried about Jessica. While the commercials were on Carlos asked Jessica what had happened in the restroom. She told him that instead of trying to forget about him, that she was now going to be very confident and strong. That she was not going to let a dumb boy stop her from having fun and ruin her life. Jessica thanked Carlos for kissing her because if it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t have made the decision that she made.
Carlos said, “I did what I did, because I didn’t want to see you get hurt”

“I know,” said Jessica “You’re a true friend, you care about me.”
“Now let’s have a good time and forget all about this,” said Jessica.

Jessica cuddled herself next to Carlos. They watched the movie they laughed they cried. It was a very special night for the both of them. When the movie was over they left very happy together, holding hands. Carlos dropped off Jessica at her house. She gave him a goodnight kiss on the cheek.

The next day, Carlos hadn’t seen Jessica at all during that whole day. So Carlos organized a date in the night. He wanted it to be special, so he decided to have it up on the roof. So he brought a picnic basket full of snacks and drinks, also some coverts to stay warm. This date was going to be perfect. The moon was going to be full, the stars were going to be out. Now all he had to do was invite Jessica. Over the phone Jessica said that she was so sorry that she couldn’t go, but she wanted to surprise him. When night had fallen Carlos was very sad. He was very lonely sitting up on the roof. Then he hears a car pull up. He had no idea of who it was. Then out of the car comes out Jessica saying, “Is there room for on more?”

“Of course there is,” said Carlos very happy.
“I wanted to give you a surprise,” said Jessica.
“You sure did surprise me,” replied Carlos.
When Jessica got up on the roof she was very surprised to find everything very romantic.
She told Carlos “I never knew you could be very romantic” said Jessica.

“Well I wanted everything to be special tonight” said Carlos.
“Why?” asked Jessica.
“I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend,” said Carlos very worried.
“Of course!” said Jessica, “I have been waiting for you to ask me or call me today.”

Jessica hugged Carlos very happy and excited. They kissed under the full moon and gazed at the stars together. They cuddled each other to stay warm. That night was unforgettable.

The author's comments:
what inspired me to write this was a dream that I had of my friends and the boys that they liked.

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