My First Time | Teen Ink

My First Time

December 20, 2013
By Anonymous

I couldn't help but stare at her she looked so peaceful, so relaxed, so beautiful. We were watching a movie, but she fell asleep during the first 20 minutes. She was curled up in a ball; her face sinking into the couch she was hugging her legs, and her glasses were slowly sliding to the tip of her nose. I chuckled quietly; I gently took her glasses off and set them on the coffee table. Careful not to wake her I pulled her onto my lap and put one arm around her; making sure she wouldn't fall back. I put my other arm around her legs trying to warm her. I watched as her head leaned against my chest, her hands wrapped around me, I could feel her body move up and down as she breathed. I could smell her perfume; the sweet hint of strawberry.
I intertwined my hand into hers; I circled my thumb against her knuckles; she was so cold. I pulled her even closer until my nose was buried in her hair. I inhaled the smell of her shampoo. She always smells sweet; or maybe it's because of her personality. I stared at her once more; thinking 'I am the luckiest guy in the world.' I really don't know what I'd do without her. Before I met her I was depressed and tired of people using me. When I met her; that's when my life changed; she wasn't like any other girl I knew she liked me for me. She was the one who saved my life.
I unwind my hand from hers and gently placed it on her cheek. I slowly grazed the outline of face, stopping at her lips. She’ll never believe me when I say she’s perfect, but she is to me. I pressed my lips against her forehead; letting them stay there until she started to squirm. I watched as her eyes fluttered open "what time is it?" she asked sleepily. I couldn't help, but chuckle she was just so cute. " It’s 2 in the morning" I told her. She moved her hands; one wrapping around my shoulder and the other placed on my chest. Her touch sent a tingling feeling through my spine. It was a good feeling; she always knew how to make me breathless.
"You should go to sleep" she said interrupting my thoughts; her eyes were still closed, but she was softly tracing my abs with her finger. I wished we could stay like this forever. I lifted her chin until our eyes met. I gazed into her big brown eyes; they were so beautiful; I just wanted to stare at them all day. I smiled as I tucked a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear. I watched it slide off my fingers with ease; blending in the rest of her long wavy hair. "You are beautiful" I told her. She blushed and looked down; I chuckled and put my hand to her cheek. I could see a faint smile on her lips as she put her tiny hand on top of mine. I leaned down just at ear level and whispered the three words that I've been wanting to say since the day I met her.
She didn’t say anything in fact she didn’t do anything; she just looked at me with a blank expression. I started to panic, 'why won't she say anything, or at least show something?" I thought. She must've seen that I was worried because she smiled and giggled; I calmed down a bit, but I needed her to say something. Just as I was about to ask her she pressed her lips against mine; her warm lips matching mine. This kiss was different it wasn’t like any other kiss; this kiss had passion. We broke apart to get some air; the only sound was us breathing. I looked at her smiling; she leaned in and kissed me one more time. She let her forehead lean against mine; she stared into my eyes smiling and whispered;
"I love you to."

The author's comments:
Do you remember the first time you had a boyfriend? The first time you told someone you loved them? Or the feelings you got when you first said I love you? In my short story My First Time, I try to bring those feelings back to the reader can remember when they said “ I love you” for the first time. I want the reader to be in that moment, and if they have never said I love you to anyone, then I want them to experience it by reading this story.

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