My Magical Moment | Teen Ink

My Magical Moment

January 6, 2014
By Aislynn Carver BRONZE, Prairie Village, Kansas
Aislynn Carver BRONZE, Prairie Village, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I’ve ever had a magical moment, it would have to be that moment of me and you under the bleachers.
You and I took a walk so I could show you my small town. It was drizzling outside so I brought an umbrella; I hated to get my hair wet. We walked around the whole town, conversing about the simple things we saw. And that’s when the rain decided to pour down harder. You took my hand and we ran to the nearest shelter, which happened to be under the steel bleachers at the high school’s football arena. We laughed loudly at how out of breath we were, and you decided to take your shirt off since it was soaking wet anyways. In that moment it became quieter; the only sound being our heavy breathing and the echo the raindrops made as they hit the steel steps. You were not muscular, you did not have gleaming abs; you were not the picture perfect cover of a romance novel that all the other girls dreamed about. Your long hair was wet and stuck together in clumps blocking your eyes, and your body was as white as could be. You caught me looking at you, and your lips pursed as if you were embarrassed. At first you looked away, but when you realized I was still staring at you, you lightly placed your hand on my hip and looked down into my eyes; I saw them sparkle. I used my left hand to feel your stomach; I looked down at it and felt the wet and coldness of it. I then wrapped my arms around your neck, and you placed your hands on the small of my back. It was summer, but I swore I could see the mist of our breath. I moved the hair out of your eyes and moved closer to you –just enough so that our noses were slightly touching. I saw you look longingly into my eyes, like you had been waiting for this exact moment for over six years. Then you kissed me. And that’s when I understood what all the romantic movies were about, that’s when I realized why people wrote love songs, why it made sense that the birds always sang in the morning; that’s when I got what people meant by when they heard bells, or why snowfall was so beautiful; why the morning dew was a glorious thing, or a child’s laughter was blissful. I realized why love existed, and I knew in that moment that I was deeply, utterly, and helplessly in love with you, and that I was meant to be with you, no matter what obstacles –forever and always. Who knew that my magical moment would have been under a high school’s football bleachers? But yet I look back on that moment and I still feel exactly the same. That was my magical moment; I hope you remember it like I did.

The author's comments:
This is a personal experience I had with an old friend that I used to have. I miss him very much and I hope he'll be in my life again soon.

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